This close

7  2018-02-26 by crookedmile


we hate kevin smith now?

Are you fucking kidding me?

We HaTe KeViN sMiTh NoW?

sir, I have no idea what is roose and what is reality in this world anymore.

Roose are the ones that hop around and eat grass.

Yeah, him and you

oh man. wtf

This sums things up pretty well

The guy stinks

ah, fair enough.

whatever. the world is not black and white. I grew up watching Clerks and Mall Rats and I always respect that this kid from jersey became a player in hollywood.

Who gives a flying fuck where hes from, hes a 1 trick pony who got lucky, i guess shamalamadingdong gets respect from you because he used to make toilet in the street outside his ancestral shack before he made sixth sense? Fuck you and your Jersey pride. Go watch yoga hosers whilst smoking weed and pat yourself on the back for getting all the subtle pop culture references. Then kill yourself.

bahh wuddya want from me? I got my container of coffee and I head to the job site, angry internet person.

Video linked by /u/Dr-Seepage:

Title Channel Published Duration Likes Total Views
RedLetterMedia hate Kevin Smith Neo Spartan 2017-01-19 0:02:20 3,680+ (93%) 269,429

$quote A few times that Mike and Jay called out Kevin Smith and...

Info | /u/Dr-Seepage can delete | v2.0.0

I desperately want to slice his face off with a bandsaw in order to rid the world of his pretentious "look how unusual I am, I don't smile for photos! Aren't I unique?" look.

OK, I can understand that.

When he didn’t have a Black Panther review up, I knew something was wrong...

Do you think he cried at how beautiful the movie was?

Do you guys think it was from an overly complex and intense exercise program?

More like "Kev in Shit" right now. tsss tsss

Ya should of done the second show, faggot.