You bunch of melodramatic pansies. It's probably just a bug with dates. It's all exactly 12 months ago

20  2018-02-25 by David_Tosk


They are just testing our reaction and finding out our contingency plans for when the ban wave comes. They did the same with r/fatpeoplehate. Turning the frogs gay.

well at least they cant turn us gay.

That's Sue Lightnings assignment

Military State in full effect.

Change isn't something people with autism handle well

It's too late I already punched a hole in my wall in an autistic rage.

Thanks for straightening us out daddy.

My life passed me by

What's going on?

Someone go write on Kuhn's post 12 months ago and remind him to steal a car seat on the way out with the Visio.

people acted mad, but really they crave that sweet release that only the death of the sub can bring. leaving it voluntarily is beyond their willpower, the only way to move on is for IT to die