Breaking News: Opie, down on his luck, took Anth's $5,000 offer to shut the sub down.

42  2018-02-25 by Hold_My_Brush22

Keeping my sources private.


Follow the documents

Follow the pox.

Opie's wedding ringless finger really bothered him did it?

Or is it the alleged rat problem at FH Riley's in the heart of Huntington?


Let's just say a divorce attorney and paying off negative Yelp reviews is not super cheap.

I should have used the word "down" at least one more time in the title.

People look at me & wonder what's gonna go down.

I had him eating down the palm of my hand

She likes putting my cum in my hand and feeding to me!

But what does Opie's daughter have to do with it...?


OP had a good jab in this post, good for him. Good for fawking OP. LEEEEEEWSUUUUUURRR..

Didn't do anything to you /u/Hold_My_Brush22. Gotta get outta yr own head some day. Figure your SHIT out. I mean a joke is a joke though, if it's a good jab people laugh whatever but.. I'm talking about the other stuff I've heard over the last few months. [trust me, cryptic messaging intensifies]

Figure your shit out OP, that's my advice to you.

ALRIGHT WE DID IT!!! [background noises of empty street]


Leave it alone.

Sounds like you heard some shit over the last couple of weeks.

At this point this shit is just hilarious to me. Faaawwkin hilarious. All these DOPES posting about me online is faaawwkin hilarious. I find it all faaawwkin hilaaaarious at this point.

Never laughing though was he? The cunt.

People look at me & wonder what's gonna go down.

But what does Opie's daughter have to do with it...?