If opie is divorced would Ant know?

7  2018-02-25 by pta11

Im guessing someone in that circle who hates him would know but will they say it.We should hire a private detective.Hopefully in the nextweek she does porn and gets gangbanged buy 12 kimbo slice lookalikes


Compound Media to produce her first soft core porn video and host her cam stream. This would be Anthony’s ultimate revenge and would make my year.

Keith would fuck that up too, somehow.

Probably forget to hit record, or accidentally delete the file afterwards.

Jimmy would fund the entire operation through chaturbate tokens.

her real first produced soft core film has already been made. Its out there; somewhere

Yes, but Opie fell out of the closet while filming it and it destroyed the VHS tape.

Vos would not be able to sit on that gossip for long.

If anything at all happened to anyone and didn't make the news or twitter, would Ant know? He lives in complete and total isolation.

Learn to type. Fuck you.

If it's not an FBI crime statistic Anthony doesn't know

Yeah he'd find out. Just like Ant's arrest info made it out, so would Greg's divorce info. He's still famous enough in the NY area that someone working in an office somewhere would recognize the name and publish it.