Opie is right.

36  2018-02-24 by CommodorePawsey

Vos needs to get it together. He has a long way to go before he can match Opie’s track record of success. He would need to alienate all of his friends, become unpopular with everyone in his circle, develop a reputation as a complete asshole and stop earning paychecks altogether. Going to be hard to accomplish that last one while he’s getting paid for killing it tonight at the Comedy Zone in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Nice try with the hate tho.


Pretty damaging summary of Gregg, the actor known as Opie.

TIL I'm as successful as Opie

Any of guys actually screen grabbed or download Opie trashing vos?????

What the fuck do you think?! It’s currently the 4th top post in this subreddit if you sort by ‘hot’. I assume that means the top 3 are Sue Lightning pictures.

I love you Vos brags about making 2k or “5k last week”. Umm you’ve been doing comedy 30 years. The fact that he brags about 5k a week, shows that is a high week for him. But even if we’re typical, that’s 250k a year. A decent living but nothing to throw in someone’s face. Reality is he probably makes about 100k.

People have a fucked up sense of money. Half of the employeed people in the country make less than $30,000 a year. Making 6 figures for decades is something a pretty small percentage of America accomplishes. People think a stand up is Seinfeld or Chris Rock or else he's a failure.

Holy fuck, no kidding. People acting like making 2-4 grand in a night is shitty. No, it doesn't make him a fucking multimillionaire but it means he's doing better than 99% of America. Most other people making 250 grand a year or more are working 40 - 70 hours a week.

“Most other people making 250 grand a year or more are working 40-70 hours per week.” To be fair you don’t know how much Vos writes every week.

Us civilians could never understand.

There was a picture posted here of the suicidally depressing apartment complex Rich and Bonnie call "home".

There's no way anybody who lives in that complex is pulling down 250K per year.

Yeah but those people aren’t taking shit to people online and bragging about making two k for a gig.

Vos lives in a modest house in NJ. He has no business bragging about his success and finances.

i've got 4k in the bank right now. i wouldn't mind making 2k tonight.

He doesn’t work every day. I’m not saying he should be embarrassed. It’s a living. But it’s not worth bragging about. I make more than Vos.

I made last year what Vos made last week. Can you help a brotherman out?

He is paid for things outside of stand up. He gets writing gigs regularly. He has at least four sources of income. Plus he is talking to an unemployed person.

Written like a guy pulling in 35k a year.

Rishus bucksh!