Vos Responds

360  2018-02-24 by SpudsCuckley


Vos has finally had enough. Good for him.

I always disliked how fucking shitty everyone is to him. Even on Sam and Jim they treat him like shit, he brought it up a couple of shows ago and Jim goes into panic. It was the grinder bit that he got actually mad about while Sam tried to steer the ship and their intern nobodies kept shitting on him. I think Bonnie told him they need to have some respect towards him and I agree. They constantly interupt him and make him the butt of every joke. Bobo level shit. Fuck them

It's funny when it's Colin or whoever rightfully shitting on Vos for trying to act smart.

Sam is so fucking bad at making fun of people because he learned everything from opie Sr who is also unfunny. He's jealous of everyone and unnaturally pre plans these "we're gonna shit on this person" bits. Look at how overly mean and unfunny Sam is to Vos, Denny, Bobo, all the shitty little producers and interns etc. He really needs a good beating.

“You have one good quality and it’s being funny, why do you have to try to act smart?” -CQ So many of the beatings he got back in the day were hilarious but it seems so out of place to hear Sam try to insult Rich when he used to get him coffee. Not really into J&S since my mommy bought me a new Play Station around the same time the show started but I’ll always check any show out when Vos is on. It usually happens the same way in that Sam insults him poorly, Vos kind of just lets it sit and it feels awkward.

Sam shouldn't do it because he's worthless.

there are times Vos does stuff worthy of a good slam... but for Sam to try forcing it is just unfunny & obnoxious (which basically describes Sam)


Vos is one of the few guys from the OnA universe that still has a work ethic and in my opinion hasn’t lost any quality. Say what you will about Rich, but he handled his own drug addiction and took care of his family. Opie walks Manhattan because he can’t face his wife, and Jimmy is trying to figure out how many tokens equals a happy marriage.

If Vos wanted to, he could do five devastating minutes each on Jim, Opie, Ant, all of them.

Isn't it a bit ironic that Rich Vos came out of this on top? They made fun of him mercilessly for years. But he's still getting gigs, he has a family that loves him, a wife who stands by him, and he's healthy. He even sneaks in a round of golf here and there.

It's not a bad life.

Very true. Fucking Sandy Kane is in an award-winning movie right now.

I hope it's a snuff film.

It's kind of shocking that after years of actual, non-12-year-old-Zima drug abuse, Vos is actually far healthier and in better shape than all of them.

he handled his own drug addiction and took care of his family

I agree but fucking yuck!!

I've been 6minutes & 48seconds without a drink or drug in my body. [applause]

"By the Grace o' God it CAN be done! My daughter fucks niggers."

Jimmy is trying to figure out how many tokens equals a happy marriage.


The funny thing is Prince Morton didn't pay for those token himself

And his standup is funny as fuck

It was a good listen on Spotify.

Well, Jim just has a laughably unjustifiable superiority complex that cannot be obscured whenever another comic is in the room. It's as if he feels he'll just fade away if someone outshines him for the whole show, and I think it's just resentment. But Opie was the worst offender when it came to what you're describing. Vos is clearly insecure, but he also genuinely thought Opie was his friend. I hate the Opester as much as the next guy, but I really fear for his mental health. He is totally unreasonable and It nearly borders on psychotic these days. It's some sad stuff.

If you go back and listen to Opie tell stories about his mother, he is mentally describing himself. He has become what he hated for so many years and it sucks for whoever is around him, but that is what they get for having them pay their allowance.

I'd be surprised if she was half as bad as he alluded. He never really got into anything specific she did wrong.

She was a fawkin problem, trust me! Sniff

Yeah no one who brings in that many foster children into your house, assuming that is even true, is a terrible person. Nor are they poor.

I mean aren't Most foster parents child molesters? We've known this for awhile

Hey, far be it for me to talk shit about the sexual fantasies of others...

She used to shove a blue comb up his ass or something.

She shat out a Hughes every other years and you're saying she's normal

I don't think she was real. He has two fathers. Burp!

"I fawkin hate the mentally ill, they always gotta make it about themselves..."

"Y-yeah... well anyway, like I was sa-"

"NO NO I got one, my grandmother and her fawkin' mental problems..."

Yup. I think he comes from a line of mental illness. Remember when he used to talk about his grandmother being crazy as well?

Well for what it's worth, they shit on him out of love. Getting it all the time is bound to make you snap... more than Opie can say, they shit on him out of hatred

Sam is not doing it out of love, he's just a fucking shithead

With that being said, fuck him. Opie may piss people off, but between just the look and personality of Sam, he's the one I'd love to swing a tire iron to his temple

They shit on Vos because they know he can take it. He will either come back just as strong or fail and admit his own mistake. I wish he realized this, because sometimes he thinks everyone is picking on him like Opie.

that’s why he is entertaining on the radio, when Vos is painted into a corner and he lashes out at people - that’s wherein lies the entertainment. Still fuck Jimmy and Sam, but they know that having a normal conversation with Vos without picking him up on stuff he does wrong is just not as funny.

Vos’ actual stand up act is the definition of hack.

He's not like a standup i'd ever watch and some of his political views I don't agree with but he's actually and enjoyable person to listen to pretty often having a conversation with a host on air

I saw him live in Vancouver and he was hilarious. He has almost no jokes but just shits on the audience all night. One girl had to be escorted out she was so angry. It was great.

i could see that, he's a good conversationalist and improviser. its funny how sam and opie types almost forget its a persona and schtick that hes so inept or hopeless

I agree I like putting him on grinder. Sam is the ultimate fag. They should put him on grinder.

And it always seemed like the least funny people were the meanest to vos, like Opie and Sam.

I didn't mind most of it. Usually when ant or other comics made fun of him, it was a deconstruction of a mispronunciation or stupid idea....but Opie basically would just point at him and call him stupid.

It's different, also Vos could hit them back without problem, you had to Gregshell throughout the show while he was making you into a fuckikg bit.

HAHAHAHAHAHA this fucking emotional faggot subreddit is so fucking pathetic

Vos says one thing agreeing with the sentiment of this subreddit, and all of a sudden the boyish, reminiscent, sentimental emotion kicks in:

"...You know what, guys?....I never DID like how they always trashed Vos and used him as the butt of the joke, he deserved better. Fuck those guys..." like there was fucking sad movie music playing in your head as you wrote that

71 fucking upvotes from emotional faggots suspending disbelief and pretending that yeah, that's how they felt the whole time

You are all low testosterone, cuddly, sentimental faggots. You are like a group of women watching a Lifetime movie together

This subreddit has always enjoyed the Vos beatings and engaged in it it themselves, including directly to him on twitter. If Vos said one thing that the sub didn't like you would all mock and insult him as a group, bringing up all the old insults and talking about how him and Bonnie's stuff sucks and fails

You are not men. You have the minds of females


You definitely have the mind of a man, a man who craves to be penetrated by other men.

That’s Rich

Every once in a while someone wounds you deeply and you come here and project toxic anger with these hilariously long-winded, impotent posts.

I just wanted to let you know how obvious it was and that I laugh at you every time. Carry on ;)

I hate that guy but I equally hate that faggoty winky face you felt like adding. Weird.

Did you know that I LAUGH at how pathetic you are all the time?! 😂


Jesus do you just preplan these long diatribes to post randomly? We get it you're above it.

I tell the truth


There's a difference between fucking with someone you like and having an unfunny mongrel or interns who bring visual clips to a radio show talk down to you like you

This sub is about shitting on anything and everything. But don't talk shit about M. The sub will downvote your shit to hell. Some folks here are on the fence faggots like Jim.

Vos pulled a boner this time. Good luck scoring decent real estate in NYC after this outburst.

Imagine what a piece of shit you have to be to make Vos hate you.

Wait... this is fucking real?

Already that was more direct than any of Jim's "barbs" or AntH's 4 Greggshells shows

Ant was such a fag during those shows. Acting like a gossiping, passive aggressive reality show housewife

Hi. Haha. Welcome. Welllll some ah news today, some scuttlebutt if you will about my former cohost one uh uh Gregg “Opie” Hughes hahaha...yeah so apparently...

Every faggot on this sub was giggling with excitement when the worm & Trandma took a soft passive aggressive jab at Tits, as though they weren't still being spineless indirect women.

Say what you want about the horse-toothed jew, but it's because Vos isn't a complete pussy.

Dude has fucking crackhead/methhead teeth and still gets to eat that coochie. Vos aint no pussy, he gets pussy.

It’s money, it’s money....

"I used to cop crack on 168th Street...you think I'm worried about north London?" - Rich Vos

Opie is going to sob uncontrollably

Nope I’m sure he’ll find a creative way to make himself the victim.

Hopefully it involves a rope and a chair

What is he gonna make a swing set or somethin’?


Edgy lol!!

Maybe some toe trigger right gang!

“Lotta problems with that FAWKIN guy. sniff. Gave him plugs and attention all the FAWKIN time. sniff whatever...”

Will his bosoms heave?

The dynamic of their relationship changed when Opie helped finance Bonnie's shitty documentary. Opie felt like he had lifetime license to be an alpha douche towards Rich. This current war of words probably indicates their wives fell out, as well. Hopefully Bonnie will unleash the real atomic bombs on Gregg and his entire, immediate family.

OR: That the wives are fine but Opie and Lindsey aren't.

Please be true

I'm thinking more or more this is the case.

What man with a family can spend this much time by himself

A man with a family that can't wait for him to leave the house

For that to happen Bonnie would have to be funny

What, you don't think she's a card? Come onnnn, she's a ball-buster, she can hang just like a dude! Next you're going to tell me that you don't think Nia is hilarious!

She can hang until someone brings up retards. Then she grabs her purse and husband and storms out of the room.

So she can't hang. I mean seriously folks, and here's the thing: how is she going to marry a retard who she constantly mocks and also be sensitive about mocking retards?

Or Bert Kresicher's wife! Watch out for THAT rascal!

You mean you don't think it's hilarious when every time she gets called out on being an autistic pain in the ass, she reminds us that she's a comic and she was kidding.

what was that problomatic stuff bonnie said about Jim and Sam not inviting them on their show again

Rich Vos will be headlining at the Comedy Zone in Harrisburg, PA today at 8PM!

Believe it or not, tickets are still available!

I believe it

great, now this is going to get opie to respond. I've been getting sick of the tranthony stuff..

Huh? I didn't even see the fawkin tweet to be completely honest witchu

I had one of my people I'm close too take a peek... I don't even Fawkin care PERIOD. He's just another bitter hater, and without me, no-one would know who the FAWK he even is. *sniff

ME: To be conpletely honest with ya, I've never even FAWKIN heard of the guy.

You know, the excuse he'd use when people would bash him, but it was cool when he'd Jocktober complete strangers.

Huh? What, seriously, what happened? I spaced out. I swear to God I wasn't paying attention. I didn't evennnnnn. Uh, hold on... No, yeah, ok, I didn't even see the fawkin tweet to be, to be totally, to be completely, uh, uh, honest witchu.

Made it a little more suited to the Opster's speech patterns.

Did you?

Getting this sub back to its roots.

I'm totally okay with the tranth stuff, fucker is bringing it upon himself. But that M. shit was amusing for like 2 days. We need new targets.

Poor Anthony, all he wanted to do was fuck a tranny in private and get away with it. I feel bad for him, I hope he can own it and get past it.

All we need is for Vos to confirm Tits’ family has left him. That would be gold.

Even if that did or does happen I highly doubt Vos would go there.

Do you wanna PLAY?

This is brutal. Vos was the one guy who stuck around for Opie when he got kicked off the main show.

He needed da money!

Well who will fund Bonnie's next movie?

He also said about opie "he's a pussy" in reply to some tragic looking bitch talking about how she comments on Saiyanz live streams.

Haha yeah I saw that. Vos is the greatest. No cryptic tweets like the others.

Rich Vos is a national treasure.

“Build some self esteem, you fucking failure.”

Is this really happening? Rich Vos, I love you so much



all our work amplifying and repeating Gregg's evil deeds on social media is paying off. and it feels good.

fuck yeah brotherman

Vos goin' hard in the paint on a nigga.

Guy don't care if he commit no fouls. That shits for pussies like Opie

Always a classy move to throw out how much money you made last night before taxes.

It's a good point

Asking people nicely to unfollow him? He is probably the nicest guy in comedy who gets involved in shit talking.

Vos is an old guard jew. Jews used to be fucking amazingly cool dudes. Now they're all liberal entitled kikes with no perception outside their own heeby social circles.

when were jews fuckin amazingly cool dudes?

Right after WWII when they were in their place YA HEAR ME

I wish Vos and the rest of the cellar crowd had said this kind of stuff on air to Opie back when he was ruining what should have been great radio instead of now when he's a total nobody.

Why mess with a good thing though? They were still a popular radio show and the exposure for their stand-up was worth eating a little crow, taking a shot from Opie and letting a legit funny person like Anthony, Jim, Bobby, or whomever was in studio, move it along. They'd been doing that for years.

It's like the one kid that everybody tolerates because he has a pool, or his parents would let you drink in the basement.

Agreed - I've often wondered what would've happened if Opie hadn't been allowed to pull all of his shit. If Ant and Jim had been less passive, if every guest had openly brutalized him, if his mental illness just wasn't tolerated. Appeasement only makes the aggressor more aggressive ALWAYS.

Dane Cook called him out.

Where? I need a link for this

Vos is a good dude. I don't like how he covers for his wife neurosis but that makes him a fine husband I guess. I still hate that cock sucker Norton though.

I so hope Opie turns viciously on Bonnie now.

I've turned so much on jim over the last 8 or so months. Fuck Jim. He may be the most flawed of the group. Ant is an alcoholic xanax addict and Opie has systemic mental illness in his family. What are Jim's reasons for being so flawed and fake?

Realistically, he's just trying to keep his job. Back in the day, there were guys in management like Eric Logan who went to bat for the show.

Logan moved on to bigger and better things and Jimmy's got no one in his corner.

He'll be in the same situation on his death bed, no one in his corner.

Jirn is the worst because he still thinks he has to moral high ground after he sold Anthony out for a better paycheck and he's still talking shit about folks that didn't leave their jobs for free speech or whatever

Hopefully this opens the floodgates on Opie hate, since Jimmys been too much of a little pussy bitch to actually attack him by name

Ha ha people used to post every jirn gem like"my ex co-worker is a bad bad man" jab on here

It's only February and we've already had about 20 moments of the year. All these men just keep being embarrassments and we're all here to witness the fallout and chuckle at their expense.

Dear god, Gregg Hughes is a fag.

He's really taking the gloves off!

Tiny,Tiny Gloves

I'd probably blow vos

Am I the only one who read it out loud in the Vos Voice?

Lotta tough to pronounce words in there.

I didn’t say it out loud, but when reading it I caught myself positioning my jaw is a spot that would cause a back mouth lisp that Vos does...he’s in my brain

LOVE the Vos

Me: "Look, Vos was a fawkin' backstabber, awlrite?! I had him on the show many, many, many times and he was nevur, evur funny. I made fun of him because he was dumb, and yes, I'd get offended when he made fun of me. I'm a genius radio gawd!"

I remember when all these faggots used to actually argue with each other not through petty fan worship. All parties involved are little bitches.

They used to roost each others pink shirts and thought they were being too brutal

used to

Fuckin love Vos

whats the context here?

retweet/like vos's tweets


Has Vic Henley come crawling back yet?

he's on permanent loan to David Copperfield's puppet museum

Whatever HATER!!!

Fake news that can't be Vos there is not a misspelled word

Tweet 1: Than

Tweet 2: Too

Tweet 2: Bawling

Tweet 2: Funny bone

He's still far smarter than Opie, though.

Even if it's a typo I prefer "Quit balling".

Your boy is off the court, why are you still trying to score hoops for him?

yes sir you are correct

Nothing says quality human being like bragging about how much money you make to prove a point in an argument. I also like how Vos thinks a couple grand is worth bragging about when most of his friends that passed him by are making 10x that a night.

Everyone involved in this are awful, bitter people.

He wrote $2000 with the cents, 2000.00, so it looked like a bigger number

This moment needs to be remembered as Vos is the only one out off all the regulars (and Hosts) with any courage, at least in this instance.

Vosh ish visshussh!!!!

Opie's legacy: declining $ in the bank, 0,5 friends.

Its funny how we made the homeless cake a thing

Lol at Vos having funnybone saved in his dictionary (from plugging the club)

I love Vos, but the bringing up money is pretty douchey...especially considering he's been doing comedy for 30 years and people doing it for a fraction are way more "successful"

Yer,finally an honest comic.


risky click

Vic Henley is somewhere smiling

That gig plugging motherfucker's phone autocorrects "funny bone" to "Funnybone"

Let's not pat the guy too much on the back. After all it took Opie losing everything he could give Vos for the dude to find his backbone. Still, better late than never.

Good for Vos. This shit is getting really fucking old. Opie stays just passive enough and only hints at his issues with people because he’s too much of a pussy to fully engage them verbally. he takes a vague jab just light enough, so no one gets too defensive and publically shits on him in response. no one ever fully attacks him since he only says woman-like bitchy comments like he “heard” there are problems with “the morning show” or Vos needs to “figure his shit out.” so then their rebuttals are always tongue in cheek and passive back. I hope this continues and Vos just blasts him for an hour on Norton’s or Ant’s awful shows. Stop playing by tits rules and just abuse him verbally like he would if he could.

I like how Vos has to throw out the money numbers because he’s been in the business for 80 years and has watched 10 generations of comics blow by him while he still plays Bananas and sleeps on cum stained comic condo beds.



They both stink

So what he thinks about taking someone's chair when they were trying to sit down

Vos is a hack. Wow, road hack fighting back against radio hack.

‘You’re way to invested’ Vos is a moron. And an unfunny one at that.

I don't know. I kind of enjoyed seeing Sandy hold back the tears as TittyBoy destroyed her favorite guitar. Cake stomp is good shit too.

Rich better keep flexing on the fans, cause every comedian he has done that do in the past has lapped him at this point in their career. Done any opening spots for mike birbiglia recently Vos?

These twitter photoshops have been great lately.

I enjoyed that. But does he think anyone that criticizes him is a basement dwelling, erock look alike? He made 2 grand tonight.. so did I. He doesn't get the fact that some people fuck with people as a hobby, in their spare time. He gets shit 24 hrs a day so he thinks all of us, are broke nobodies (well some are) who sit for hours on end obsessing. I still like the lispy piece of shit, but stop with the Opie comebacks.

How did you make 2K last night character? Unless you reply "Rent Boy" I will not believe you.

We apparently have men making high 6 figures among us.

Considering his username, I'm gonna guess "trucking"

I drive a truck stupid

He’s like 65 years old and he’s bragging about making 6 grand being a stand up comic? You literally need to be Joe Cumia levels of lazy to be in your 60s and not be wealthy.

It varies. And if you do a double, that makes for decent flow. I think that was a weekday show he was talking about also, where he probably makes closer to 4 than 2

That’s not a lot of money for someone who’s literally a pensioner.

Really? You're going to pretend that making six grand in a weekend for a couple hours of work isn't good? If you think the average pensioner is making a few hundred grand a year you're a retarded faggot

I’m saying playing clubs and telling jokes to make a few grand to pay your bills approaching 70 isn’t something we should admire.

If you work full time even on the lower income bracket for a lifetime and you aren’t a fucking retard you’ll be independently wealthy enough to not have to take your shirt off on shit morning radio shows getting bullied by creatures like Sam.

It’s just undignified.

The guys only sixty and he can make a few grand in an hour standing on a stage. You're really gonna shit on him for continuing to work? How fucking lazy would you have to be at 60 years old to retire from a job with insanely easy hours where you make a few hundred grand a year. Regardless if you have enough to retire or not, why turn down all that extra money when you make it doing something you enjoy...

I wouldn’t want to be in his shoes when I’m “only” 60. Stand up comics are so delusional.

Yes, I too would hate to have to work a for a few hours a week to make a few hundred grand. I'm sure you'll be in a much better position

I’m saying playing clubs and telling jokes to make a few grand to pay your bills approaching 70 isn’t something we should admire.

Are you fucking retarded? At 70 years old that's probably the coolest lifestyle you can have. Unless you wanna be that 70 year old union employee reminiscing about the "good ol days" while you drink and wait to die

Like Anthony?

C'mon, we all know that C Level comics are broke.

There's a reason that Jim is a worm, it's not easy to find a job where they pay you $8000 a week to talk in into a microphone.

What is he gonna make a swing set or somethin’?

He'll be in the same situation on his death bed, no one in his corner.

Yeah no one who brings in that many foster children into your house, assuming that is even true, is a terrible person. Nor are they poor.

She was a fawkin problem, trust me! Sniff

She used to shove a blue comb up his ass or something.

I tell the truth

She shat out a Hughes every other years and you're saying she's normal

Edgy lol!!

Maybe some toe trigger right gang!

Ha ha people used to post every jirn gem like"my ex co-worker is a bad bad man" jab on here

Where? I need a link for this

I don't think she was real. He has two fathers. Burp!

That’s Rich