I know I'm late with it, but boy is this little rat insufferable.

0  2018-02-24 by TinKnockinMoroccan


Your rage that others would dare not be a liberal homosexual like yourself. Trannys are still men btw, you faggot.

I just can't stand that greasy skaven's beady eyes and arrogant behavior. He even titters and shifts around like a little rodent.

This was a wank from the beginning.

And Ben Shapiro is definitely a bitch. He's a conservative but he was a #NeverTrumper. Okay so what was the real alternative, shithead? Disingenuous F.H. Riley's ratlike behaviour.

I'm not going at this from any grand political perspective. I was watching Peterson videos because I'm trying to figure out why everybody loves this fucking guy so much, and came across this discussion. I don't know too much about Shapiro but he immediately reminded me of a sniveling little rat. The only alternative is that somebody puts cement in his peanut butter and he meets the end that all rats deserve.

Have you watched the first two appearances of JBP on Rogan yet? They're probably the two most important points in his mainstream success.

In full? No. I only use Rogan as filler when I'm cooking or cleaning. I've skimmed his appearances but wasn't impressed. But i'll give his JRE shows a chance in full if it helps me understand this phenomenon.

Just the first two. IMO, the rest of what Peterson says is Smart Stuff For Dummies.

Fuck, intellectual Joe Rogan is a rough listen.

as filler when I'm cooking or cleaning.

Wanna be my wife??

His lectures are great, I didn't really get the hype till I watched a couple

It can be pretty dense, so binging them is kinda counter productive to absorbing all his points


Dave Rubin is by far the worst out of these 3 men. What a self-righteous bore.

In this video he is especially insufferable as he makes repeated attempts to align himself with the other two as if they are in some sort of a club.

That’s exactly what ruined it for me. I had to stop watching when he started ranting about this gay ass brotherhood that they have. I love Peterson and Shapiro and he just took a giant shit on what could’ve been a really interesting conversation.

More like Ben JEWpiro

Tssss fukkin' buried gassed that sockcucka.

Im all for bashing lefists but Ben is cuck for Israel and Dave Rubin is Jim Norton level political analysis with the same sexuality

3 fags talking nonsense

Gay boy sounds like he's constantly exhaling vapor. It's really fucking annoying.

Watch this disgusting little kike's election night live stream and see the look of absolute devastation on his face when Hillary doesn't win.