Lists of people that probably won't contain the names Anthony or Joe Cumia.

18  2018-02-24 by TinKnockinMoroccan




Scientists of any kind, really.

People who have gone to the moon.

People who have helped people go to the moon.

People who have read a book about going to the moon instead watching a movie.

People who realize that being "white" doesn't mean they can personally take pride in the moon landing.

Medical doctors.


People with college degrees.

People with high school degrees.

People who have read more than 3 non fiction books in their entire life.

People who haven't lost a job because of their social media addiction.

People with clean criminal records.

People who haven't smoked crack.

People who haven't smoked crack with their mom.

People who visit their dying mom once in 5 years.

There are many more so I'm passing it off to you folks.


Joe did visit his mom once, and had a breakdown.

Oh cool so they both left their sister to take care of her. What a bunch of swell fellas

Hey my name is Anthony. I’m wicked smart I swear

People that haven't bought imaginary children iPads in the hope of having illicit sexual intercourse with them.

People that aren't active alcoholics and physically dependent on Xanax.

People that don't bite or hit girls.

People that are willing to admit their fledgling creative endeavors just aren't paying the bills and that they should grow up and get real jobs.

Hey now, I think one of their great aunts worked on the Mercury program. Old Millie Cumia sure taught those Harvard boys a thing or two about how to use a slide rule.

You could give every extant member of the Cumia clan from now until the heat death of the universe, and they wouldn't be able to figure out the basic calculations some random black chick who worked at NASA in 60s was doing on any given day.

You missed the most obvious one. People that haven't fucked trannies.

Get it together man.

They're not people.

People who aren't middle eastern.

People who aren't pedophiles.

People who have reasonable political opinions.
