I know it's old news, but I recently looked up Intern David's Linkedin... Well apparently he reciprocates.

20  2018-02-23 by fantasticmrfox_thm



I'm sure if I was a woman I would of woken up to a direct message as well.

Hello. Have your heard about 9/11?

He sent that message in March of 2000

Whoa don't mention that in front of the goyim

I remember by 9/12/01 the Arabs at my college already had a rumor going around that all the Jews who worked at the WTC called in sick on 9/11.

If that was true, the building would be empty except for 3 janitors

He’s probably wondering why all these Panera workers are looking at his profile.

Ohhhh.. Nooooo.....


His dead-eyed photo really is chilling.

He has to be the most unsuccessful Jew ever

You ever hear of this guy calls himself a comedian Rich Vos ?

Bob levy

He couldn’t even get a job at the Holocaust Museum.

(((They))) have a inside man to slowly morph it into another Holocaust Memorial/Museum

this sounds like more jews are evil humah', but that's what's actually happening.

Davids don't eat the coochie... unless it's Fried

Sam not getting him SHITLOAF and/or creepy Rob's job shows you how terrible he is. But lol this guy's mom burned a cake!!! Get it, she burned a cake???!!!! Hahaha hahaha. Cock sucker lipstick. Ahahhahaha

I hate saying anything in defense of Sammy the Whammy, but he can't hire anyone cause it all goes through Sirius managment.

You think Sirius chose Rob, who interned under Sam for o&a like 6 years ago, hasn't worked for the company since, and was a complete weirdo creep?

They don't remember diddly about his internship. He probably applied, Sam probably gave him a recommendation, he went for an interview and lied/charmed his way through it and got the job. Sirius management might be dumb, but anyone could see that David a lunatic after talking to him for five minutes.

Little frustrated with the ol Roberts boy are ya fella?

Israel's finest son

It is my belief, that he will one day broker lasting peace between Jews and Arabs in the Middle East.

David Fried, like his grandparents in Germany