Literally advocating segregation

3  2018-02-23 by lobotomy75


paging u/whippinghuskies it's your time to shine

You rannnnggggg ? The nerve of the Belgian train station Jihadi bomber to besmirch the and degrade the Negroid and his sophisticated culture of destruction, famine, rape, disease, petulance, tribalism, slavery, parasitic ingratitude, and wanton chaos with no end in sight. Chomp.

Hey bro good to see you I was worried you fell off the wagon. Could you please write an essay detailing how all of the world's problems could be solved by taking away the rights of minorities. Be sure to mention how little you actually care and that you totally have black friends

I'm only down to two black friends at this point. And I totally don't care and am looking forward to the chaos and collapse that's looming, much like what happened in Rhodesia, South Africa, and Lebanon. The world's problems will never be solved, but if you want to solve the West's problems, it's fairly easy. Deport all non-whites, save Asian/Hindu professionals, deport Jews to the country we handed them, put fertile white women into massive breeding facilities, and import millions of Eastern European, Latina, and Asian women who can actually provide the White man and has vastly superior civilization with good home to raise the facility children. We don't need to take away minority rights, they can go their own way, and create their own w/o destroying what we have left. You stay over there, we stay over here. Who do you think is gonna end up doing better?

Brilliant. You can add me to your black friends count

Boom! I got another one, nice. If I ever go on a drunken racist rant in public, I'll be sure to show everyone one of your pussy pics as proof of a black friend. BTW, nice bush, Bams_seed, I like a nice trim bush. The clean shaved cunt is no longer flattering to me, and especially on proper grown women.

Glad you appreciate it

I sure do. Take care Bams_seed, I just got back from A Coruna renovating my apt., and am now gonna hang out with the fat cashier. The stench from the fornication is gonna be equal parts disgusting and intoxicating. Good night and Godspeed.

Well, even a broken clock is right twice a day.

He's not wrong

He's right though.

Super leftists are all about segregation too (but that's to provide safe spaces) DAE EACH SIDE IS THE SAME?!?!! Deep stuff

Name one thing that is objectively wrong with segregation, you left leaning liberal parasite.

I'm okay if we segregate by IQ so that you have to live with all the niggers.

Oops i forgot most american O&A sub members have Killa Kuhn's mongrel abomination complexion, my bad. Carry on with being a half-nigger breed Mr. Amerimutt.

Scottish and English. I said I wanted segregation by IQ, you nigger brained mongrel.

Oops i forgot most american O&A sub members have Killa Kuhn's mongrel abomination complexion, my bad. Carry on with being a half-nigger breed Mr. Amerimutt. Also you did not name one thing objectively wrong with segregation. and you replyed Scottish and English. I said I wanted segregation by IQ, you nigger brained mongrel. you can't even come up with your own original comeback you 56 percenter civilian

At least I'm not a civilian like you. Say something original.

Literally fuck off with your moral panics you nu-male-speak faggot.

Also,as a complete aside, African Blacks (who are not the original inhabitants btw,they came from Central Africa about the same time as the first Dutch settlers did, only difference is that they massacred almost the entire native pop called Bushmen who only survived bc the boers protected them on the coastlines and in the desert areas) say that times were better under apartheid. Not that apartheid was good,but that what followed afterwards, ie Mandela wewaskangs socialism was a lot worse.

Upvotes really matter to you, don't they? I'm sorry you're not getting the approval you crave

Edit: wow, I'm a faggot that cares about downvotes.

Video linked by /u/AyeThatsAGoodNagger:

Title Channel Published Duration Likes Total Views
Jacob Zuma Shoot The Boere Eugene Terreblanche Herinnering 2012-03-18 0:02:12 93+ (37%) 54,428

$quote President Jacob Zuma singing a variation of shoot the boer...

Info | /u/AyeThatsAGoodNagger can delete | v2.0.0

Can someone break it to Tranpa that South Africa was a killzone during apartheid, too? Those rape gates and 15ft concertina-wire fences didn't just suddenly pop up after Mandela took power; and the old Jo'berg Necklace dates back to the 80s.

....actually it looks like SA's GDP has been steadily going up, even through the end of Apartheid

(If anyone's wondering why the BBC have started publishing a news site in Nigerian pidgin, take a look at Nigeria's line on that GDP graph - there's money in being able to deliver news with a British propaganda spin. The Beeb have a huge Persian-language presence to influence Iran/Iraq for much the same reason).

Those rape gates and 15ft concertina-wire fences didn't just suddenly pop up after Mandela took power

Gee, I wonder why?


Another post of some douchebag who's triggered at ants views.

This just in: some people have differently outlooks on life than you.

Get over it pussy. Post something funny.

Oops i forgot most american O&A sub members have Killa Kuhn's mongrel abomination complexion, my bad. Carry on with being a half-nigger breed Mr. Amerimutt.