Ravings of a mad black woman: "WE HAVE TO FORM THE MILITIA BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!"

1  2018-02-23 by terpin


Ant's the textbook definition of a range queen. In a world of war and chaos, Ant would hand out his weapons, assuming he still hass them to actual dude's who have the balls to use them, while he hides in a panic room all pissy eyed and scared.

He's one Diva Daiquiri away from a death by misadventure from stumbling over a raccoon in his backyard and drowning in the pool.


Fighting force? This coward never said stood up to Opie, Joe, Keith, or Artie. He's just a lonely broken old man just trying to fit in.

Yeah if China invades me and a bunch of out of shape fucks are gonna fend em off with our Mini 14s.

out of shape, untrained autists have caused MASSIVE amounts of bloodshed with .223 rifles. I used to run into these gun nuts on LI very often. About half were old, paranoid regular Joe types, much like Anthony. The other half were all ex military type dudes who would absolutely be a problem for any invading force, foreign or domestic. I can't even imagine how crazy/well prepared some of these guys who live out in the sticks are. A lot of people, especially liberals who have never been outside their circle jerk sanctuary cities, seriously underestimate the 2A guys.

Some of those guys were real problems

sigh- it's a tough one man.

Then there's always a group of tanned fifty year olds with fake tits and pink pistols

There are also the "pink pistols" group of LGBT gun proponents. I actually have great respect for them.

Funny how they just gloss over the “ well regulated” part

Ant thinks it means his xanax

Why does Anthony even care about the 2nd amendment anymore. It's not like he has guns to begin with.

Antifa could take turns pissing in Anthony's hair and yell "PISSING IN MY HAIR HAHAHA HOLY SHIIIT!"

Then he'd cry about it later that night on Twitter.