Alcoholic Millionaire with good hair and teeth who didn't ruin his career because of twitter.

92  2018-02-23 by TinKnockinMoroccan


Fuck you, nigger. Nigger! NIGGER!!

50 years ago, bots like these would be hanging upside down with a fork up their ass

These words...


but he doesnt know the territory!

But both shared the fact that a ugly cunt ex wife took them to the cleaners in the divorce

Burns the marriage license

What wedding? That was just a rehearsal dinner. Prove me wrong.

that's a pretty baller move on Ron's part

Guy stuck with his wife through her cancer, pushed her album over and over on Twitter; then as soon as she healed up she wanted a divorce.

A lesson on women. They are cunts. Why anyone would get married in this day and age baffles me.

It goes both ways though. We can be cunts to. In this case though, I would have to agree that she is a cunt.

George Lopez hilariously pranked his wife with a divorce after she donated a kidney to him

Thanks for the multiple points of view, Jimmy

If you get married, pre-nup all the fucking way, and right before you get married put certain assets into the trust of other people so they technically own them.

Judges can throw prenups out. You are simply fucked if you sign any legal contract with a woman

I didn’t know that. I looked it up and it seems it only occurs in rare situations. Maybe if the husband forces the wife to quit her job or something and she lost a career advancement opportunity. It’s still dumb though. A signed contract should have to be honored.

Judge's can be shot for shit like that.Just a thought.

Eh, true. Women wonder why men don't want to get married and men just stare at them in disbelief.

Did Ron white piss off Kelly Lebrock in Weird Science?

Like the candy company???? HOW MANY PEOPLE ENJOY A GOOD STASH?????????

Do people like this guy for real? I thought only Jeff Foxworthy & Larry the Cable Faggot fans liked this nonsense.

I'd rather listen to his stand up than the stand up of anyone involved with OandA other than CK or Burr. And he seems like a genuinely good guy who is pretty funny on podcasts.

Honestly, I’m not very familiar with his work, but if you like Burr & CK & vouch for him maybe next he’s on podcast or tv I’ll give him a chance. I’ve always turned off whatever he was on because I assumed he was as annoying as the rest of those “Blue-Collar Comedy” comedians.

He's way different that Burr or CK. I mention them because in terms of ability as a comic, he blows guys like Jim, Bobby Vos, etc out of the water.

He isn't really like the other blue collar guys IMO.

Ron White has always been the outlier in that group, he is not remotely corny.

Check out the Stanhope podcast he was on.

Ron white never made sense on the Blue collar tour. he was just a raunchy drunk and in no way a twangy redneck like the others. His last stand up was hilarious and he must have drank a whole 5th of scotch in the span of 50 minutes

More than Patrice, DiPaolo or Attell?

Attell was an oversight, but more than Patrice or Dipaolo. Patrice kind of hovering around though, I guess.

Years back Dave Attell was headlining my local comedy club. Ron was in town playing a big theater, but stopped in after his show to make a surprise appearance towards the end of Attell’s late set. They shared the stage and it made for a really cool spontaneous night. Ron is more crass than the rest of the blue collar guys and he also had the foresight to bow out of the Blue Collar TV series.

I feel kinda like a douche pre-judging him like I’ve done because honestly any time I’ve briefly listened to him on tv or radio it went into one ear & out the other just because I automatically assumed he was just like those other dudes on the Blue-Collar comdey thing they had together. I listened to enough of the other guys to know I hate the redneck shtick, the aw-shucks routine, the play it safe as to not upset my uptight middle-America audience & I cant stand that shit but I’ve just looked at a few Ron White clips on YouTube & he does seem much different & better than I assumed. Maybe ive been way off about him.

That's a lot of words, son.

Ron White's the shit. The way he talks about the Blue Collar guys, they seem fine too. Other than Ron I don't like their comedy but who gives a shit, the guy drinks, smokes, gambles, and doesn't give a fuck.

At first I thought that was the actor who played Shooter McGavin from Happy Gilmore and Tappy Tibbons on Requiem for a Dream. He's also a real bad lush. Two DWI's, I wanna say.


Are those really his teeth?

no way

Also smokes copious amounts of weed and is still more of a functioning adult than ant

When you think about it, it's just like, a plant, man...

He had more manly things to do than Twitter.

Video linked by /u/Psych555:

Title Channel Published Duration Likes Total Views
Ron White Lates Show 2016 Ron White Stand Up Comedian Special Show Amey Ghag 2017-03-31 1:27:10 243+ (89%) 55,137

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Stupid bot

These words...


George Lopez hilariously pranked his wife with a divorce after she donated a kidney to him


Thanks for the multiple points of view, Jimmy