Tranth ain't going to be happy with this.

136  2018-02-22 by RBuddCumia


His "takes" have become so soul crushingly hack and predictable.

Not only does he not know what to do with his hands when acting, but now he forgot how to write jokes as well. At least he look somewhat healthy for someone coming to the end of the road with AIDS.

What do you know about hack, civilian? Those take kill at the Cellar table.

that line was a fucking headshot from the church tower, civvie. stand in line.

Nice comment stupid

He's probably trying to go mainstream.

He should pitch a network sitcom about the wacky misadventures of dating Buffalo Bill long distance.

He was better off being the "fat basement dwelling pervert" than the " Sick guy that looks like he needs a Kickstarter for health reasons".

that line was a fucking headshot from the church tower, civvie. stand in line.

You don't think trans acceptance is cutting edge in 2018?

I think he's being facetious

Tsss why not backtious er sumptin

You know he only gets asstious with Mr. Elena

He would have used the Chip account if that was the case, he obviously is lobbing this bomb to the hypothetical lib demo of his fan base. Stop pretending like Jim has any original opinions please , we all know this simply is not true.

The Worm gets off his precious position on the fence to add absolutely nothing of substance or wit. His weakness for Nordic cum has damaged both his immune system and his sense of humour.

I Hate Jim. Hate him. Faggots in general but Jim in particular.

Because guns right.

How do you feel about Chip though?

Lyle? He's a saint on Ert!

Jim is annoying but he’s still nowhere as irritating or obnoxious as his two former partners.

Has anyone ever met someone involved in a mass shooting?

If the government wants to start regulating something, make it the additives in food that causes cancer. everyone knows someone effected by cancer.

what a maroon

Has anyone ever met someone involved in a mass shooting?

My friends Eric and Dylan got caught up in one once.

sound like some radicals bros

Hanging with them was always a blast.

Well I hope it all worked out for them.....

When I lived in Denver, I lived next door to a lady who graduated from Columbine two years before the shooting and had a younger sibling who was still going there. She was a drunk and had an ugly baby.

I didn't know there were Cumias in Colorado.

So what you're saying is the massacre was a positive?

Oh I get it now, your name is supposed to be like rotten. It's taken me over two years to figure that out.

she is a liar

prolly has a granny who "survived" the "holocaust"

She was drunk and crying about it and shit. I wanted to hit her.

what a self absorbed boob she was

I hope she got MeToo'd.

Yea I have & matter of fact I have & this particular school shooting, my cousin ,who is like an older sister to me, best friend moved from New York to Florida a couple years & her daughter was at Parkland school shooting & was a victim. Thank gob she didn’t die, I also knew many 9/11 victims. What do you think it’s unusual to be acquainted with some from an attack? They happen quite often these days.

you ain't acquainted with shit.

your cousin's best friend's daughter isn't an acquaintance

Our family is very close & my cousin is like a sister & I know her friend well & the daughter has been at parties & family get togethers at my sisters place or at my parents house. I’ve seen the kid at least a couple times a year for her whole life before they moved. I even went to the going away party. I’m not saying I’m close with this teenage girl but I know her well enough, it’s not like I kinda seen one time 6 years ago or something. What’s your point anyway, are you saying that mass shooting are so infrequent that there’s no need to get upset & want it to change? Shit happens too often.

what im saying is its a conspiracy and your shilling for big brother.

you think i can't smell a psy op-alt a mile away then you better go back to your handlers and tell them they got me fucked up

time to go burn my fingerprints off again

Wtf kinda drugs are you on bro? Yea it’s a conspiracy, you dummy a ton of New Yorkers move down to that area of Florida it very common. Or are you suggesting that it didn’t even happen like those cocksuckers who claim SandyHook is fake. Those people should be put to death for even suggesting that.

Im suggesting you try sticking cho head up cho ass. see if it fit

Good one🤭!

She hot?

Dam this brotha is really sayin somethin here.

Wow, Jim sure is insightful! I think we should all come back tomorrow after we have digested this thoroughly thought-provoking take on gun control!

There are only a few hundred deaths every year related to rifle killings. It was something like 300-400 in 2016. In a nation with 275 million plus guns thats pretty remarkable.

Most gun deaths are either suicides or related to street crime and drugs involving handguns. If the president could wave magic wand and make all the long guns disappear there would still be thousands of gangbangers shooting each other each year.

I get Jim is trying to be snarky and witty, but we need to get past these misconceptions and myths around guns. Everyday gun owners are some of the most law abiding and safe people out there.

Wait, so you're telling me that it doesn't make sense to infringe on the rights of tens of millions of Americans because of less than 100 deaths via mass school shootings per year, when thousands of teens are killed in car accidents each year so they are actually in a higher risk driving to school than being shot?

I think what everyone here is really saying is that Jim and Anthony are faggots.

School shootings every week are normal.

Mass shootings are not, there are targeted shootings at some, but they are gang related and only in certain neighborhoods

More people are killed with hands and feet each year than rifles

"Yeah but guns are scary!" - some idiot

Yeah you guys are just being stupid pussies. You're supposed to act like men when the bullied nerd rips your chest plate open with an AR-15.

Shut up, stupid.

Are you referencing this picture? Because in 1,800 deaths, the type of gun isn't specified:

I wish Sam was one of those suicides.

Give it time.


I think that if you commit a crime with a gun it should be taken away. May be a little too serious a punishment to some of you, but tough cookies. That’s just the way I see it.

What if you lose your gun on the same night you commit a felony?

That could never happen in real life. Maybe in whatever fantasy land you’re living in, but not in real life.

If you commit a felony, it is taken away.

Are you really an incel or are you just kidding around?

I'm a real incel, just in case you were worried the O&A fanbase wasn't reprehensible enough.

Really! Come on, you’re fucking with me, right? If not can you tell me your reasoning for choosing that lifestyle?

Let's start with your first myth. 50% of guns are owned by 3% of people. That right off the bat skews your stat heavily.

And what percentage owns the other 50%? What percentage would never answer a poll about how many guns they have?

But how is that funny?

Ant doesn't have the balls to argue with Jim

he does, but they're in jim's mouth

Now that the AA Show is all but officially dead and Opie told Anthony to fuck off with his offer of an O and A reunion show its clear that Anthony is hoping every day that Jim and Sam gets cancelled and with nowhere else to go Jim joins Compound Media and the Jim and Ant Show.

Which also will fail. But its Tranpa's last hope.

I don't think Jim would ever do it though. He genuinely seems to be doing radio still because it's a part of his daily routine. If the show gets canned I see him starting his own podcast because Chip has seemed to have lost it's little bit of steam already. They'll probably resign though, unless Sirius decides to revamp the channel again.

A lot of couples have different political opinions

He doesn't have the guns either

what a pretentious, swarmy cunt. I can imagine the smug satisfying grin that snuck across his face as every reddit/twitter fagot liked it.



Ya'kno what duuuuuuude.

Jimmy "say whatever you think people will agree with" Norton is unbearable.

You can tell that Jim badly wants to be a Twitter sensation for just a day. In his mind he just needs someone like Kevin Smith or Ricky Gervais to retweet this and suddenly he's getting calls from Salon and snapping photos with Matt Damon at benefits.

They all lead such sad lives. Imagine being in your 50s and chasing e-validation from strangers.

Well said. Here, take my upvote.

We lost Norton the minute Patrice stroked out.

Twitter gave fame a score card - it really pulled the veil back on how pathetic it is.

Very salient point Mr. Maloonigans.

Don't speak to the Man directly, we all just run for the Man.

Someone needs to put the paddles to Colin's chest so he can wake up and mock Jim back under his console.

Also there is the whole prince Allen thing

Hollywood Jimmy makes me sick.
Still like his specials, Chip podcast and the old O&A clips, but happy lil Jimmy lost the ability to be REALLY funny.

Even when I listen to his radio show sometimes, its never funny, just makes you exhale a bit harder through the nose.

Why is it that even decently put together people cant be really hilarious?

"That's a tough one man. I dunno. On one hand guns are dangerous but on the other hand some people like guns. Tough one."

That's actually pretty funny. Is this some imposter?

Too many faggot gun nuts around here to appreciate it.

It's the only thing in their lives that make them feel like men, so you can't blame them for being touchy whenever there is talk about losing them.

It's just a silly joke. I don't give two shits about the political issue. I'm halfway hoping everyone gets guns as a solution. Just to watch the country tear itself apart. I'll watch a stream from far far away

Oh yuck.
"You want to keep your rights, how's that small dick hahahahaha"
Fuckin nailed these civilians with that entry-level feminist insult right there.

They really do always try to go for the manhood that they claim is made up by society.

Nice tweet, stupid.

At least that would stop him from sucking cock and getting fucked in the ass

Shinkle bout it.

Opie, Anthony and Jim prove that whether you're liberal, conservative or middle of the road - you can be a fucking retard.

Which one is jim?

Fat Jimmy was conservative, aids Jimmy is liberal but somehow also middle of the road at the same time.

Deciding your political affiliation is a problem, man. I used to be too political until I got into a 12 step program.


The only thing Norton defends is the freedom of speech. He doesn't care about gun ownership rights; he doesn't care about privacy; he doesn't care about the rights of the accused. He's a worm, as has been stated repeatedly.

Brave stand, Jim. Most people want+ fun violence. Wonder if Jim’s preference for *less gun violence will take the nation by storm?


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At least he took a side for once


If you didn't want aids you'd wear a condom

Lol, liberal Jimmy is as phony as conservative Jimmy was.

He's hiding that he's a faggot, you see.

Well then he's doing at terrible job.

Violent crime has been steadily dropping for 25 years.

Just goin to the range, and aiming better.

Doesn’t bother me, unlike Anthony Cumia’s obnoxious twitter reaction to all this gun talk. Ant is a horrible person with horrible beliefs.

Well, he's a horrible person...

You can somtimes be horrible person & have some redeeming & impressive qualities. There are plenty of geniuses, innovators, war hero’s, artists, surgeons and (in Ants case) funny people who are horrible human beings. Ant is now just an all around horrible person because he somehow lost his sense of humor along the way & now there’s nothing redeeming about him whatsoever.

Ant's beliefs are 99% spot-on.

Say what you want about him personally, but he's not wrong in most of his views.

Colin Flaherty…is that you??


”Ant's beliefs are 99% spot-on” ...??? Like what; 13 year olds are fuckable, blacks aren’t human, don’t take career seriously & always look for easiest path, never prep and the the list could go on & on for 3 paragraphs. Even if you agree politically with Ant who has become far-right, are you really gonna defend 99% of what Anthony believes in?

Yes. 99%.

Your conviction is admirable.


Trying to be politically correct is a motherfucker

What a piece of shit

Oh Jimmy...

Jim is right. Nicholas Cruz wasn't a responsible gun owner.

He's not wrong. These sensitive gun-faggots act like their guns are children and probably tuck them into bed at night. Fuck 'em.

I’m not mad I’m just disappointed

i bet he spent at least an hour rewriting this until he had it perfect, then checked periodically the rest of the day to see if anyone famous retweeted it.

liberal jimmy with his body guards and door man buildings. cunt.

Jimmy is dumb much like anyone in the mainstream gun debate. the specifics on gun laws are left up to states. Cruz would have been rejected for a gun in most states but fla is not one. how come no one has interviewed the guy who sold him the weapons. I'm betting Wal-Mart sold him the guns and they don't want the negative press/backlash. also the police and fun are to blame. this kid was reported over 30 times including to the fbi. it was beauracratic failure. much like going to the DMV and getting incompetent service


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He is shining up his thumb and waiting to be picked up for a ride to Schumerville.

Whatever happened to the guy who ranted about bears and the ocean?

I do wish suits of armor would make a comeback, I think I'd look pretty dashing

I wonder if Jimmy knows how BS the assault rifle ban laws are. A bunch just came into effect in CA. You can still buy an AR15 you just have to make it look really gay for it to be legal. If you want to shoot up a school you can just buy the parts that would make it illegal online and put it together in 10 seconds.

Nothing has been accomplished with these new laws except making gun owners have to jump through a few more retarded loopholes.

Has anyone ever met someone involved in a mass shooting?

My friends Eric and Dylan got caught up in one once.

When I lived in Denver, I lived next door to a lady who graduated from Columbine two years before the shooting and had a younger sibling who was still going there. She was a drunk and had an ugly baby.

Yeah you guys are just being stupid pussies. You're supposed to act like men when the bullied nerd rips your chest plate open with an AR-15.

Shut up, stupid.

what a self absorbed boob she was

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I hope she got MeToo'd.

It's just a silly joke. I don't give two shits about the political issue. I'm halfway hoping everyone gets guns as a solution. Just to watch the country tear itself apart. I'll watch a stream from far far away

Yea I have & matter of fact I have & this particular school shooting, my cousin ,who is like an older sister to me, best friend moved from New York to Florida a couple years & her daughter was at Parkland school shooting & was a victim. Thank gob she didn’t die, I also knew many 9/11 victims. What do you think it’s unusual to be acquainted with some from an attack? They happen quite often these days.

Oh yuck.
"You want to keep your rights, how's that small dick hahahahaha"
Fuckin nailed these civilians with that entry-level feminist insult right there.

Mass shootings are not, there are targeted shootings at some, but they are gang related and only in certain neighborhoods