“O&A Downfall” Emoji Guide:

6  2018-02-22 by throwawayoanda2017

“O&A Downfall” Emoji Guide:

Jim 🐛(and the other people around Anthony🐜) are walking on eggshells 🤫a la Sue Lightning ⛈which is an elephant in the room. (I don’t think there’s an elephant emoji but don’t even get me started on the Unicode) Anthony obviously out right denies it 🌈🤷🏻‍♂️which is complete bullshit🤥 The O&A fan-verse is predictably disgusted 🤢🤮 and the pests on here have a field day with it. 🖥💻📱Everybody knows about it! Everybody’s talking about it and acknowledging it! 🗣👥🔄🤣😂🤣 Ant turns out to be a little bitch who blocks and reports people and tries to shut the sub down to no avail. 🐜🚫🤦🏽‍♂️ (I suspect) he has paid Sue lightning off to keep quiet. 🤫💰⛈ Anthony gets drunk and loses his gun in the couch 🤷🏻‍♂️🛋🔫 in the process of beating up Dani Brand 👨🏽💪🏽💥👧🏻📹🤕 (We all know how that worked out!)👮🏻‍♂️⚖️ + 🐜🚫🔫

As a result, Polite Society (Anyone with anything resembling a viable career) has treated Ant like a hot tomato. He is a part of a world that is getting smaller and smaller. He is surprisingly less respected than Opie in the Sub. 🐜🐜🐜👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼 Jimmy really is a worm for flip flopping after Ant beat up his friends daughter. 🐛🐛🐛👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼 The End 🐜🔨


Panera 🥖

Thorazine @ 30 mg BID, sir

Lol ive done the thorazine shuffle through hispital hallways too many times

The shuffle ... heard

You know Opie must be on here everyday now that we are anti 🐜.

Ant is shit personified, but don't try to put Opie above him. He's not.