You degenerates are my only support group

81  2018-02-22 by CaptainJeanLucPeckah

My dad is going in for triple bypass surgery early tomorrow morning. He went in to get his stents replaced and they determined they wouldn't be effective this time. Doctor says his chances are excellent but I'm trying not to put too much stock in that. He's 66, in reasonably good health, and the one parent I can actually stand, the one who has had my back my entire life so it's scary shit.

To keep it sub related: if Artie outlives my dad, I'll kill that junkie waste of flesh myself.


EDIT: You monsters are solid people. I know I'm being faggy as hell but this is my first time dealing with this kinda shit so it is what it is. Thanks for all the well wishes.


I’ve been shitting up a storm.

My dad has a stent too, and in the same range as your dad. Best of luck to your dad and a wish for speedy recovery.

I'm sorry to hear this. I was in an ER waiting room yesterday, got hit by a car and while I'm waiting to get xray'd i checked this sub. This place must never die.

Real niggaz never die.

Thoughts and prayers, thoughts and prayers.

Taughts in prayers, seriously.

And yes, fuck Artie. There's kids out there with terminal brain cancer and this fuck has ingested so much poison over the decades and somehow is still going.

There is no God.

Hope everything goes well.

Thank you, dear.

Look on the bright side: worst case scenario, I still have a weekend of playing Skyrim ahead of me.

that’s a pretty fucking wack and gay thing to post

I'm aware.

If you suck a tranny peckah the night before the surgery he will be fine. And your dad will live too.

Good luck Mr. peckahs dad !

It's really a simple process now. It's worse to think about than is it to have it done. I've had my aortic valve replaced twice. Last time was October 2015 and I was walking around the next day. Because of the bypass his leg will be a bit sore from taking the vein but he'll be up and around in no time. They're really good at putting the sternum back together. It's sore but not as bad as it would seem. First time I had demerol to take the edge off but last time didn't even need a painkiller. In other words, don't humiliate him with your pissy eyed fagism before he goes in. You've probably given him a lifetime of dissapointment already.

This. it's not the 1950s anymore. As long as your dad is in good condition and not 98 years old the survival statistics on vascular surgeries are pretty much thought of as nonchalantly as appendectomies.

Come over and drink with me by my fire pit.

Are you a senior citizen or do you have nice arteries stupid?

Arteries are perfect. Aortic valve is bionic. I'll outlive everyone of you junkies.

I don't do anything harder than a little weeeeed. But, I wish you the best of health sir and/or madam

Just a lil taste... A lil bit.

Lil cake fa da Chippa

Kratom up, pussy.


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Best advice.

This helped a lot, man. I have no experience with major surgeries and I'm a nervous nellie by nature so I got me all freaked out. I hope I can continue to disappoint my dad for years to come. Be well, sir!

Pissy eyed faggot

Jesus Christ, Son of a Bitch.

Your compassion warms my heart, Joe Sr.

my old man is going to shit and it scares the fuck out of me, hang in there buddy, sending out those good good good, good vibrations

have you told him you're gay?

yeah actually, he sucked me off after, fun was had by all

tss, help me Rhonda or sumptin.

Hang in there man. They do these kinds of procedures every day.

Oh wait I'm sorry: fuck you faggot go cry into your pussy.

I hope Artie outlives your dad so you kill him and do us all a favor. You could even make it into the power rankings brothaman

Modern medicine is pretty awesome man he will be fine..

What kind of degenerate would downvote this?


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Right before surgery give him a deep mouth kiss and tell him you've always loved him. If he remembers when he wakes up just say he was hallucinating

Now my pecka is hard.

Slow down, I'm almost done.

Have you told your father your a faggot yet?Sounds like a good time to tell him....

I think anything after 65 is just bonus time

No that's only for niggers. They bring down the average life expectancy in the US significantly.

Why not a hipass or sumpthin tss

Suuuumbody wants attention

Nice circulatory system, stupid

Where's CQ-Bot when you need him.

Anthony got fucked in the ass by a transsexual. Things could always be worse.


We get it

triple bypass

Why's he gotta pass it so many times? Tsss.

A friend of mine is a nurse. Once my dad was sick in the hospital he told me. Don't assume anything. Only deal with what you know. If the odds are good, they are good. It will most likely go well.

I wish you the best of luck. Can you please strangle Ant if your dad makes it?

Thanks, man. If my dad makes it, I promise Ant will be dead by dawn on Sunday.

Lol a male nurse. What a faggot.

if Artie outlives my dad, I'll kill that junkie waste of flesh myself.

You're making it hard to root for your dad.

We're not your friends and your dad is broken.

I hope it works out dude

I'm sorry, but the only way to keep your dad safe is to dress up like Patch Adams and act like a staggeringly huge cunt in the recovery room.

PS The best treatment for stent replacement is prostate massage by a family member.

You know what you need to do.

Someone recently made a post essentially saying “ no more faggy sentimental posts about what the sub means to you and how amazing it is”. I’ll let you off the hook this time but try not to let this happen again

Thank you for letting my fagginess stand, if only for tonight. I owe you a rimjob.

Remember the dude posting his diet results :O

Hey homo. I hope all goes well. Sending love

I hope he dies


Fezzy is you dad?

No one here cares about you, you melodramatic quay.

Fuck off faggot

Reminder that grandpa anthony has a stent.

I only give support to people with a lot of followers. Back to obscurity!

Don't worry. A bypass is a good thing. It fixes the problem.

It fixes poor diet and lack of exercise?

Go find a real support group. This is a shitty, toxic reddit board that could be shut down at any moment. We will only bring you down with us.

Eh, too much effort.

haha fair enough

Lol, you care about people. Fruit.

I'm suprised you can type with all the huge black cocks that are constantly in your hands being jerked off.


Is your father wealthy?

I feel for ya buddy. I hope he'll be fine, medical procedures are getting better and better every day. I only have one parent alive and the one that had my back passed when I was 20 years old, sucks knowing that family sometimes don't count as family.

Good luck with your pops sir

Good luck Holmes.

Take a hint from your father's piggish, slovenly lifestyle and put a little effort into taking care of yourself so you don't end up going through the same shit.

I hope he recovers quickly! Hell, why not go all the way, I hope he out-lives you!

best of luck dude. dont let artie win!

Bring donuts or something for the floor staff every day your dad is in the hospital. Let them know you really appreciate them taking care of your dad. Mention your dad's name to them. Employees notice that kind of gesture and tend to pay more attention to the patient. Also, it's not the surgery to worry about. It's the gross condition hospitals are kept in. Just because it looks neat, doesn't mean it's clean. You'd be surprised how many hospitals have bed bug problems. God bless you and your family.

That's actually great advice. Back in the day I got written up for some bullshit at work. The next day I went to Costco and bought a big box of chocolates. Left them on my desk, made it clear that anyone could have them.

They shuffled me into a position where I couldn't fuck things up too badly. Instead of getting fired, I wound up in a role where I was doing 25% as much work for the same paycheck.

It kinda inspired the rest of my career: /r/wwpgd

His heart broke when he realized his son was a fag.

When you renting a suit for the funeral don't be cheap and get some decent shoes too, nothing looks worse than white sneakers under a black suit.

Check out the fat plaques, maaaahn

Good luck man. I hope he's OK. As u get older I appreciate my parents more.

I hope your "pops", as the kids say, pulls through with flying colors, and he's sitting with you at the ball game on opening day, cheering you on as you hit 5 home-run slam-dunks.


Good luck bro

As toxic as this sub is, it's always fun to see us support one of our own. Individually we are weak like a single twig, but as a bundle we form a mighty faggot.