Guys. If Artie didn't go to the hospital RIGHT NOW, the day before his sentencing and guaranteed jail time, then they (and all other hospitals) were going to refuse to treat him.

18  2018-02-22 by reallysprint


Don't worry, Artie. We aren't worried at all.

Either stay clean, or just fucking die already fatso.

I mean I like Artie but what is he doing.

I bet his mom is going to bring a nice eggplant parm casserole and a 6 pack of Coke to wash it all down. That hospital food is not fit for human consumption.

Wow. You obviously don't know anything about Artie... Chicken Parm and Hawaiian Punch. Chocolate Milk would have also scored you the points, but thanks for playing.

Me: That's the bit! (Just kidding. Thankfully I know little about Artie short of his penchant for sprinkling coke on his cheeseburgers.)

I'm thinking that he will not go to jail. He has a life altering medical event every time he blinks and would certainly have a reason to visit the med team in the prison hospital every day or a civilian hospital at least 2-3 times a week. I hope the judge decides to save the tax payers some money and let's nature take its course

He's pretty much guaranteed a slap on the wrist unless it's a female judge.

Fucking hell are junkies intolerable, enough of your shit...

So does this mean he won't be running in that marathon now?

He's got to make everything so fucking dramatic, it always has to fall into this "I'm such a train wreck" shtick. Half the country has high blood pressure, jackass, stop acting like everything is your junkie shit catching up with you.

I don't know, he seems like a real dark soul. Did you know his Dad died? Don't know if civilians like us could possibly understand

it's a form of infantilism - he's a big baby that needs to be coddled

Since when do hospitals refuse to treat people? Fucking junkie liar.

Pretty sure its illegal to refuse treating someone even if they ask not to be treated

Generally if it's a private hospital they can deny care / services as long as it's not an emergency.

Public hospitals are a different story... they have to treat you / render services no matter what, emergency or otherwise even if you can't immediately pay.

This reminds me of the time Artie called in sick to Howards show because he had a 6am Dr's appointment and they all called bullshit on him. Yea sure ya do Artie.

Hey Gar, it's Artie...

Oh he's scared of a stroke! Finally, the universe sends a little something his way to scare him straight.

Glad Artie is finally addressing this and is going to get it right, once and for all.

Yep, the fat retard will take a few pills and everything will be dandy (shrug).

Brilliant move hiring him, Ant.

When his daily heroin supply was arriving late he didn't give half a damn about A&A, but when the doctor at the hospital tells him he's dying he begs and pleads for just two hours so he can fulfill his showbiz obligations. Sure Artie, that's real believable.

Excuses excuses. Oh you didn’t know you were in risk of a stroke? You needed a doctor to tell you you’re an unhealthy fuck who is probably likely to have a stroke, heart attack, or brain aneurysm at any second. Go and talk for 2hrs you fat bum. I can’t wait till you die.

Bullshit junkie, ask Ronny B