41  2018-02-22 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK



He's reached that level of old bitterness, where he hates anyone born after 1990

Because they're too old to fuck.

That would be anyone born after 2000

For a second, I thought you were exaggerating. But that's actually completely accurate.

yup, this man is having some sort of financial issue with his “network”.

What a sexist. He just sees the hole he wants to fill and not the person around it.

I reported his tweet for vile sexism.

So how do we induce a second, much more massive heart attack to take out this miserable, useless old wop?

We could all chip in (tsss) and send him a trans-negro singing telegram. As soon as he opens the door to The Compound, his big head and little head "cross streams" and it's lights out for Tranth.

I’d toss in a couple bucks but all the scams involving this place makes me cautious

Did he have a heart attack?

Yes, and he has a stent.

We could just lure the elderly faggot into an alley with promises of ice cold Bud Light and old copies of Highlights magazine, telling him we're going to watch youth gymnastics, then pummel him to death.

Yeah fuck those teens that survived a shooting am I right ant? What a miserable faggot.

It doesnt make them authorities on the 2nd amendment

If anything it makes you less of an authority. Why ask a bunch of kids who got shot how not get shot. Ask me, I've never been shot.

Maybe not with a bullet, but I would place big dollars on you being shot in the face on multiple occasions.

Why don’t we just get rid of schools? Nobody likes going to them anyway. Online education for everybody!

What is an "authority" on the 2nd Amendment? It's one sentence long. You can read it and then form an opinion on it in two seconds. Stopping serial killers involves a billion factors.

Stopping mass shooters involves more than "ban guns" the worst mass murder in western civ was in south korea on a subway done with a can of gas and matches

No, the worst mass murderer is Harry Truman for dropping the Big One on those filthy gooks. Were those guns?!?! No, so why ban them.

Ask Australia or the UK if banning guns (which I do not advocate, btw) helps cut down on mass murderers.

Pretty sure South Korea is not considered 'western civilization.' Also, your point is completely irrelevant. We all know it's possible to kill lots of people without guns.

K-pop, coca-cola, porn... south korea is western


I'm sorry about your cock.

Their opinions are irrelevant. Fuck Ant and those kids.

There's something really fucky too about these CNN sanctioned little shits. This is not some organic "enough is enough!" movement. They are political pawns of the left, it's pretty obvious if you're not a brainwashed cuck.

You don't think high school kids immediately congregate a movement by themselves days after a traumatic incident? Look at their tears! Fuck your rights, they're crying!

He ment "...have tight..."

"And they won't get off my dang lawn, for Pete's sake!"

Go sit down to a warm bowl of soup and a nice blanket, Anthony.

You mean a warm bowl of Sue

He said lightening in one of those tweets too.

Lightening is what she does when she bleaches her beat up anus


Same dude that called Ralphie May an asshole 5 minutes after he died. This one has the same tone.

For fuck's sake man. You've finally lost it. Bitching about scared kids who have been killed/shot at. Not a second of sympathy- just an immediate switch to these kids are the problem.

I think it's time for the good Lord to visit this abomination.

it's because they are against guns :(

We know

Naw dude they are also mouths and vaginas.

Ant has been a miserable asshole for awhile, but he's gotten even worse. I remember right after Sandy Hook, he tweeted that what happened was sad and actually waited 3 seconds before forming some pro-gun rant. He'd never do that these days.

So stop dating them, Ant.

Ant lived his entire adult life in fear that some random black guy would burst into his house and start shooting at him. He admitted to carrying a gun around his house at all times. And yet when traumatized children who survived a massacre due largely to random chance speak out against guns he calls them assholes.

If someone created a GoFundMe page to raise money for Malcolm to go after Ant I would definitely contribute. Between this and his mom I hope Compound Media goes bankrupt and it ruins him.

“Errdurrrr but Chicago” Fucking same shit with these gun loving assholes faggots.

His life is absolute SHIT. He’s an old man spending literally all of his time spewing hatred on social media. Every stance he ever takes is the most despicable evil retarded stance. Bitter old tunisian nazi trannyfucker.

Hasn't he claimed teen assholes taste like bubble gum and homework? I'll bet in private he admits pre teens taste like Legos and Underoos. Suuuure

Do you think Joe will play a Rotgut song at Ant's funeral?