You guys made fun of me but in the last 24 months i have banked $52'000 ADSENSE REVENUE from recycling clips from other accounts. Who's laughing now faggots? Serious question, who's laughing now? sUBSCRIBE & Like Plz.

0  2018-02-22 by [deleted]




very mature

Nice thievery, stupid.

why not find a job you can take pride in?

Don't be a faygelah

Wow man. Banking just a little over $2,100 a month before taxes. What kind of Lambo did you get dude? What does Johnny Walker Blue taste like? Are you setting some aside for legal expenses once you get sued for making money off copyrighted material?

Oooo not bad I'm gonna totally start doing that too

So 50k for 9 million views?? What a fucking gravy train. That's Panera bread money on top of already Panera bread money

If anyone needs any help getting started lemme know - but my question was/is - How does it make u feel?

Help me with my peckah.

What do you use to steal the clips? I'm trying to steal video as well as audio if possible.

if you dont know how to save a video to your computer then your an even bigger faggot than the rest of the rest of the faggots, sorry, '''pests'' on this subreddit. Dont under-estimate the desire of middle aged looking to revisit the ''golden era'', its the most exploitable bunch of goons online. As for suing me, good luck faggotz im on another continent. I'm off now to peruse youtube and select another clip for tonight, you fags'll come running to my channel in your thousands like u always do- kerching, kerching,kerching, sorry to rub it in, i just dont like any of u. Site is a great motivator. Good luck pumpkins !!!

Easy there steven king, you offered the help. I'll just Google it and steal your videos. Thanks for the passive income

gonna steal my 35k subscription base too? lolfag

With these screenshots and a little support from this sub anything is possible. You of all people should know that.

screenshots? yawn. ok dude it's on. i give u permission to do your worst. and your imaginary friends. in fact i fuking DARE YOU to do something. then, in 12 months we'll meet up on this page and chuckle at ur empty boasts, von decarlo tried to censor my channel and got FUCKING nowhere, compound media tried and failed. Me vs You, lets see you who wins, your boy cumia sure as hell don't care. Sirius don't care. Gotta love ''fair use'' im protected. (also im drunk as a mofo) lol.

What did you spend it on? Do you have a good credit score or are you now wearing $3k Jordan's?

I didn't realize CellarCrowd was run by a dumb autistic fuck like SayainZ, learn something new everyday.

You should know by now that most people who upload anything O&A related to Youtube are self-important closet cases.

I for one appreciate Braunheiser's efforts and I wish you wouldn't speak ill of him