"This is the type of thing Ant would agree with...so it's gotta be true!!!"

2  2018-02-22 by lobotomy75


Fucking conspiracy moron

Who’s calm down there mr America


Here's the Wikipedia article for the "naval intelligence officer" who authored this prophecy.

Also, The Last Podcast on the Left episode about this book is pretty funny.

Why is naval intelligence officer in quotes? He served u stupid fuck

I put it in quotes because he is widely considered to be full of shit and public records do not confirm he was an intelligence officer, u stupid fuck.

No he isn’t dickhead provide proof.

I thought the Cumias were too sensible for conspiracy theory?

Ugh, for fucks sake, why these fucking Cumia's decided to go all-in on politics is beyond me, they're terrible at it.

the kids and the fbi are the bad guys. if the shooter was black it would be a different story

Completely different story because the shooting wouldn’t have been at a school.

So it's inconceivable to find it somewhat prophetic that a man predicted a ramp up in school shootings done by kids on SSRI drugs, while the country fights over gun rights? Seems like a pretty fucking easy puzzle to figure out. Also seems to be the EXACT same thing going on just in the last 6 years. I'd say it's far more moronic to pass it off as coincidence.

Good point. I'd also like to point out that jet fuel doesn't melt steel beams

Maybe try staying in topic and attack what I typed. This way, at least you don't appear to be a completely useless waste of time and space.

If we assume this information is true, we would have to assume that BOTH parties are corrupt. Not just the left. Prime example of people only accepting information that backs their preconceived notions.

On the one hand, people who have seen mass shootings up close and are advocating for gun laws.

On the other hand, these people are just brainwashed by liberals and are being pawns!!!

Yes, Joe, the second one is far more likely and you should use Nostadamus-level predictions as evidence. Fucking idiot.

Joe needs to fucking die already. Fucking geriatric moron cocksucker. His stupidity is insulting and actually angers me.

So that book starts off with him talking about his multiple UFO sightings, and that there a common thing..

Maybe try staying in topic and attack what I typed. This way, at least you don't appear to be a completely useless waste of time and space.