Everyone acting like Ant has only been terrible recently is forgetting the worst thing he ever did

117  2018-02-21 by gometaboys

In 1996, shock jocks Anthony Cumia and Gregg "Opie" Hughes dropped bra bombs on a rival radio station. Cumia was, by his own admission, in full military regalia. Using their considerable resources, they hired a blimp with state-of-the-art cloaking technology, rendering it invisible to the naked eye. They broadcast this attack nationwide, yelling obscene phrases all the way.

Attack him if you wish, but please don't downplay this disgusting act of aggression.


The biggest thing Jim Norton brought to the show was owning up to and embracing that you bombed or a bit didn’t work. If he was never a part of O&A, Opie would still insist that the bra bombing and Sperm Bowl ‘96 were “classic bits”. Mind he once insisted that the Demented World CD still holds up.

I give Norden a lot of shit but if it wasn't for him, O&A would have remained a whacky morning zoo Stern ripoff forever. Opie would still be doing fake phone calls while Anthony laughs and claps and does Ronald Reagan impressions.

The toy yoda and one hundred grand bits make me cringe. I remember hearing about those as a kid and couldn't believe when I found out later on it was old school o&a

Toy Yoda wasn't them.

No doubt, that creep elevated the show

Jim was the most savage when it came to hack court cases.

"Oh come on, it's not that bad. Let's hear the rest"

Vos deserves credit too. Long before Norton was ever involved, Rich brought the roast battle anger to the otherwise cheery and upbeat happy to be there show.

It wasn't a rival radio station, it was WABU, a UHF TV channel in Worcester, MA. (Now part of the ION TV networks)

WABU refused to run the WAAF Real Rock TV show, which was an infomercial paid programming TV show a-la PFG TV

F. U. WABU, we hate u!

What's better than rhyming u with u? Rhyming u with u with u.

Oh, you...

Good ol Worchvegas

Because of Beth Hart’s erect nipples if I recall.

That bra bombing....oof.

Anthony pretending to be piloting a blimp...

Opie screaming "Mother HUCKER.....YOU BASTARDS!!!!!"

Them pretending that police helicopters were buzzing them...

My God is that awful.

Why hasn't Tranpa killed himself yet? The man has lived with that bra bombing for over 20 years. If that doesn't make a man want to off himself, being called out for fucking a tranny is nothing.

They made 20 years (off the air for 2 of those), but they were absolute shit until 2002.

Imagine liking a band and then explaining to someone, "yeah they're awesome... except for the first 9 years... oh and the singer fucks up all the time and his vocals ruin the music a lot, but..."

I like to remind Pantera fans that they released 4 albums before Cowboys From Hell

Power Metal was good.

But you can argue those are good. There is no arguing that anything O&A did before Jimmy came along was anything other than hack shit.

What even is a bra bomb? Just something shocking and edgy to get that 18-49 male demo I guess?

They we're trying to get the federal position of Secretary of Partying-Down


The School of Hard Knockers.

Ooo I hate that Dean bitterman

that sounds like something the 1996 version of me would have loved. No social media, no 9/11, young, hopeful, enjoying a couple of crazy guys dropping bra bombs on my walkman radio

Ducking into the Benetton change room but not to try on clothes.

if you downvote this you downvote justice against bomb victims

I feel like a bomb victim right now

Oh shit this nigga got a DICK

I said: "Damn", dropped the gat from my hand

That pre-9/11 world...

Who could also forget what they put Wayne Newton through with the infamous Sperm Bowl.

ME: This bra-bomb better FAWKIN' work, Nerdlinger!


They motherhucked them.

He also contributed to the suicide of Richard Jeni

Don't forget when he went to jail for running a red light.

I used to listen to the WNEW show regularly. The first two hours were usually pretty funny and mostly featured them screwing around, but around four o'clock they'd start with the really hacky "shock jock" stuff which was usually unlistenable.

The only really funny "rival station" battle I remember was when Stern harassed the WNEW (pre-O&A, it was a really lame classic rock station for years) staff with a megaphone. He totally enraged this one guy who called himself "Marty the Rock and Roll Smarty" and the guy went off-script and went off on a rant about Howie. He was fired the next day.

He was also a noted contributor to Mancow's radio show.

Love you love the show

They we're trying to get the federal position of Secretary of Partying-Down
