Gabby texts and absentmindedly nods the whole time Bobby talks about Colin's heart attack (0:30 - 8:00)

9  2018-02-21 by Socratic_Roads


These bobby front and center selfies make me extremely angry like legit angry

Good to see he brought in 23 guests this time instead of the usual 50.

He must literally be using his son's fisher-price cameras.

This fat dummy should be ashamed at how bad his show looks. It makes Compound Media look like Fox studios.

Nah it's still not as bad as that horrible green screen.

Gabby is Bon Jovi's keyboardist's daughter.

They should've gotten the guitarists daughter instead.

Not good pic of Mrs Rican

It is nice to see that the weird smell behind Vos' ear is being discussed. Nothing is funnier than Tits' go-to-bits STILL getting used in 2018. No matter what has happened with Opie And Anthony, they may be the most copied show.

Ooo do I want to fuck her. Certainly not listen to her try to be funny though.

Imagine that, an emotionless narcissistic woman getting by on her looks

I didn't know this chick was a regular thing. I only know her from her brief time with Chip and boy did she suck.

Gabby was likely under duress arranging for Bobby's next feeding. Also, what girl in their early 20s is going to worship Colin? Let a young hottie live you curmudgeon.

You should have ended on feeding and not continued to undermine the patron saint of this Sub. I’ll tell you what girl, every girl and that includes hairless, smooth, twinks with an ass you could bounce a dime off of.

Soo,what's the deal with all the guitars on the wall? Does Bobby play,or does he just hang them up like a douche?

Not enough guests on these