Go read some of Ant's current tweets and tell me if you can think of a sadder argument

10  2018-02-21 by CONCHOPETEghostcock

Hes trying to say the other guy is a loser for doing things besides sit at home drinking and tweeting


Haha! You don't waste all of your time arguing with people on twitter? Back to enjoying your life and accomplishing things in the real with with you!

Funny, quick witted Anthony was the best but his morph into a humorless, raging alcoholic has been disappointing but it's his life. If he has enough subs to maintain power to him. I get the black crime stats but I just wanna fucking laugh. Artie isn't funny, the show isn't entertaining. To be fair, none of the shows any of them are doing are funny or entertaining anymore. There's plenty of archives and other off the grid shows that are. Just takes a bit of searching to find them.

There are literally hundreds of other funby podcasts, radio shows, comedy speicals, TV shows that are funny.

Why are you waiting on Cumia to turn it around and be something he hasn't been in 8 years?

There's plenty of archives and other off the grid shows that are. Just takes a bit of searching to find them.

There are literally hundreds of other funby podcasts, radio shows, comedy speicals, TV shows that are funny. Why are you waiting on Cumia to turn it around and be something he hasn't been in 8 years? Believe it or not I agreed with you before you even replied to my post, sir.