While giving her vows in front of her parents, future in-laws, extended family, and celebrities, Amy Schumer told her husband that she will "continue to blow him even though they're married"

37  2018-02-20 by gcwrestling08

Per Mark Normand. Classic Amy. Such a prankster. Who says you can't be sexy and classy?


Are you gossiping about Amy Schumer's wedding?

That's where you're at in life?

Where we at with the state fair pig wedding?

Blue Ribbon.

I just thought this particular anecdote was particularly disgusting and it made me hate her even more. Imagine your sister saying this at the altar.

I am disgusted and hate her more. Thank you for sharing.

Don't bother with TheBlueAwning, it's Danny Ross under a new alt.

Ohh you're the guy who thinks Erik should be running CM because he's a warm unemployed body that isn't Keith. That was a great argument you put up. Proud of you.

You're arguing the point that Keith the Cop (a police officer who has never had a paying job in entertainment) is as competent a radio producer as Erock (who worked directly with Anthony on the radio for 10 years) because you're jealous nobody will ever bring your name up in the discussion of great producers.

Danny Ross is a needy, catty little know-it-all former producer who is the only person on the internet willing to defend Danny Ross. How does it feel to be just another ugly face in the crowd?

Actually I never said Keith was an acceptable producer. Not once.

Everybody plays the jealousy card. Theres no dimension I would want to work there. I just don't see what skills you feel are there. I keep giving you the opportunity to tell me and you keep coming up with "you're jealous".

I did not say you were jealous for not working there. I said you were jealous that you aren't being spoken of as a competent producer (which is true) because you are an overbearing, insufferable cunt in every other aspect.

You are not framing this as "you giving me the opportunity" to give you a reason why Erock (a radio producer for Anthony for a decade) is an improvement as producer of Anthony's radio show rather than employing Anthony's police officer friend with no experience.

What's your role? A guy who lowers himself to the level of mere spectators whom he has no respect for because his pathetic outlook on his own life is to defend himself to insignificant radio listeners? The role of a guy so fragile that he resorts to blending in with a crowd of anonymous commenters just to dish dirt and defend his own name semi-anonymously? In theory you would be worshipped at a place of nut hugging fans like this who crave inside dirt. But you're not

The role of the guy who's gonna delete all his posts again, like you did when you embarrassed yourself trying to anonymously defend your Guitar Hero tantrum until it was realized that only Danny Ross himself would be defending Danny's behavior that day on a fan forum?

Lol what?

All I ever said was that Erik doesnt have the skillset to run a company and show.

Then you went on this crusade to namecall and make sure to be cruel and hurtful.

Are you STILL bringing up a game of GUITAR HERO from 2007???

I dunno how many times I can explain an analog signal into a digital board created unfixable delay. It's just more fun for you to invent a bevy of other reasons to dislike me. You judge me from a grand total of what, 20 hours of audio over 10 years? Its super cool to hate here. I expect nothing less. But you're just wrong here and refuse to give at all.

I know, it's a crusade. You spending your life on here with mere fans trying to dish dirt that nobody is interested in is not a crusade though.

I dunno how many times I can explain an analog signal into a digital board created unfixable delay.

I don't know how many times you have to try to rationalize what happened as if anybody is interested in a "technical explanation." It just makes your bewilderment at how anyone could possibly dislike you even more for this that much more entertaining.

I know big dog, everyone who dislikes you is just "inventing reasons" and they just want to hate you because it makes them feel better about heir own lives, right? It can't possibly be you and your uncanny ability to act like a little boy at a time where acting like an adult would suffice.

I don't know how many times you have to try to rationalize what happened

Because radio show fans like yourself can't stop talking about it 11 years later.

everyone who dislikes you is just "inventing reasons"

Guitar Hero and that time I talked back to Patrice. Did I miss anything?

Because radio show fans like yourself can't stop talking about it 11 years later.

And former radio underlings like yourself can't stop going onto fan websites and having flame wars defending himself and his sad behavior 11 years ago when it's just a website for fans to laugh at his idiocy from 11 years ago.

Me: Hey Danny remember when you acted like a fag on reddit because we were laughing about your Guitar Hero tantrum?

You: I dunno how many times I can explain an analog signal into a digital board created unfixable delay.

Bravo at that comeback, it has all the wit of the bullied kid in class who cries about the others not getting off his back.

Guitar Hero and that time I talked back to Patrice. Did I miss anything?

Yeah, you missed your humiliating put-on hip-hop accent that you used around Patrice to give you some fake confidence. I am not going to entertain the opinions of a "producer" who didn't know what ZShare.net was and wigged out like a little pocket protector nerd.

You fail to see the irony of calling somebody a fag on a dead subreddit for a show that doesn't exist anymore and hasn't in years. I did the thing. You talk about the thing 11 years later. Pretty sure that's on you and not me.

Yeah, you missed your humiliating put-on hip-hop accent that you used around Patrice

I'm from Flushing Queens NYC. Do you think I went to a private school with a bunch of pasty white people? What fucking farm do you live on eh?

Hey faggot. I don’t know you or remember you, because I’m just a former casual fan who looked up the show by chance. This sub isn’t about the show anymore. It's about grown men melting down, they just happen to be associated with the show. You sound like you fit in here, but not for the reasons you think.

This sub isn’t dead. The shows are dead, some of the talent is dead, your bedroom is likely dead, but this sub, we are going strong as fuck. Christianity didn’t really kick off until Jesus died.

Thanks for the hot tip.

I have ankther hot tip for you, my penis.

Good one.

Everybody hates you, Danny.


The first 6 words of your post sum up your entire life, and why so many people seem to have a vendetta against you (in your mind.)

Oh, you're from Flushing and the black only comes out of your mouth when a black guy is around and you're spittin' bout how crazy y'alls relationships me, I feel you I feel you dogg

I'm sorry that my level of comfort with Patrice bothers you so much.

I can't stress enough that you only have an opinion of me because I did the thing. You listen to the things that I did. Do you understand? You're a Monday Morning QB for a dead radio show.

You just compared yourself to Tom Brady because you humiliated yourself on a niche radio show and you're bitter the fanbase still won't accept you.

I'd rather my name have a clean slate in obscurity than have the reputation of Danny Ross. You would be the Jar Jar Binks of the O&A show if Sam didn't resemble him more closely. You're not even memorable enough to be him.

Now end it with "BACK TO OBSCURITY WITH YOU!" and hit me with one of those giggly emojis, you background coffee fetching Googler.


i knew that's what you'd focus on. "The fanbase" isn't here. Most actual people who enjoyed the show circa 2004-2009 have never visited this place once.

Jar Jar Binks was actually awesome. He was the Phantom Menace. His character was obnoxious but it was meant to be a red herring from his true self. A master Sith Lord. Plenty of clues are given to the audiance as to his true identity. Unfortunately, he wasn't well received by the typical potatohead American who went to see Paul Blart and The Hangover 2. Lucas panicked, cut his role and moved on because the idiot public was too concerned with surface tension to see the ocean below.

If I'm not memorable enough to be Sam, why do you remember every little thing I did, including a game of Guitar Hero from 2007 while you use my FULL NAME. Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't the "live-research" part of the show turn to horseshit when Sam took it?

I don't use emojis as no grown adult should.

Yes, Sam is god awful and I've said how many times now that you were a good producer? It doesn't seem to satisfy your dead, cold jealous urges to be accepted.

The Sith Lord thing was a bullshit fan theory.

Sigh...... ugh, I'm just like, ugh I'm so sick of all these civilians and their .... sigh.... misconceptions.

Then stop voluntarily registering a new account every few months?

You attack, I defend and then you mock me for defending myself.

A fan theory confirmed by the voice actor. For Jar Jar to be a clumsy oaf yet able to perform 20 foot twisting dives would be sloppy writing. If you're writing the character of Jar Jar Binks in your screenplay, you don't have his behavior change from scene to scene. Why would you write him athletic in one scene, but tripping over himself in others? That said, in your opinion exactly WHO was the Phantom Menace? It wasn't Anakin. We know what happens there. It wasn't Darth Maul either or the movie would be called The Obvious Menace. Just sayin'. I'll be Jar Jar any day of the week. Fly under all those radars? Manipulate Jedis. Have people think you're a fucking dope and fake your way to the fucking Senate? Jar Jar was gangsta.

Damned if you do, right?

Jar Jar was actually based on Snoop Dogg and his behaviour at a party where George met him. He did all the "gangsta" jive and talk to regular people to keep up a certain image and then when it was business-talk he acted completely different.

The one playing the fool is the most dangerous man in the room.

I didn't know that "smoking dust with project kids" made you develop a false dialect that only appears when people with black skin speak to you.

I also didn't know that Tom Brady spends his nights having multi-hour debates about his "performances" on a small reddit forum, under an anonymous account, and he only admits he's Tom Brady after someone goes "Wow you sound like a really invested fag, are you actually Tom Brady?"

I would pass Wu-Wear on the bus when I lived on Staten Island.

Anyway, I knew you'd only focus on "Tom Brady" and not the actual point I was making. At the same time how does one make fun of somebody for "multi-hour debates" when you're matching me post for post.

You can't fucking "No, you're a towel" me when you're a towel.

You seem to be able to pick out what parts of your posts will be focused on, but without the self awareness to alter those parts of your sentences and personality in order to expediently preserve your own reputation.

You referred to yourself as Tom Brady. And you expected me to just bare with you through that?

I'm not a football person. He's literally the only QB I can name that plays currently.

I remember opie dressing Erock down on air about that “what happened erik tell us why you didn’t get that job? Don’t want to talk about it?” Why did he get demoted? Also what made you leave the sub and why are you back? Was it because of the stalker? Not a “hater” just an old nosy body fan

I use Reddit. This isn't some secret club. I spent 8 years working there. I have a little more emotional investment than /u/BamLynsiBamBamPeckas.

Lol. Never said it was a secret club. I guess what I meant was you left sort of abruptly... and I remember that you dramatically stormed off another time only to return later so honestly I was just curious. Don’t be so pissed. Loved the show and you were involved in my favorite time period of the show so wasn’t really a loaded question.

I don't think you could call posting on a message board dramatic.

What a grouch you are

Aight well, when you're done with the US magazine put it back so the other yentas can read it.

tl;dr: TheBlueAwning and onemancrimespree are faggots.

I do not refute this.

Trashy as fuck, but that is objectively funny.

Also a good vow for a gal to make. How many people on here are married to wives who gained 40 lbs and stopped fucking them?

Don't get tied to the ol' ball and chains you'll never get blown again har har har! You're objectively a faggot.

Not just a hack comedy premise. Legit happens to most couples.

Not me, thankfully. I get blown before the jacuzzi

you deserve it!

She better - or it’s the rose garden for her.

At least her husband can't get disappointed at Amy getting fat.

She already hit the first mark day one

My wife wears the same size clothes as in highschool, I gained so much weight she should have shut off the CPAP and watched me die. But I don't have enough life insurance.

I'm down about 100lbs from my worst.

Good for you. How'd you gain all the weight in the first place?

Going from being fairly active in college to a desk job, and eventually a descent into full on compulsive overrating.

Feel you. Look into a keto diet. Shit is magic, though you shouldn't do it for an extended period

CICO (Calories In Calories Out) is very simple to follow.

Keto is easier.

I imagine her husband saying, nah I’m good.

I can't imagine putting anything in her mouth and expecting to get it back.

Why do you think kikes were banned from country clubs and other well to do establishments?

Because they are the root of all evil in society?

Besides that

They have no class or grace?

Also the blacks

What's the different between black and white jews?

The black had to stand in the back of the showers.

There are no white jews

we all now mark normand had to sleep with what is a legitimate pig to tour with her.

I like the story he was telling about Larry David being behind him.

I dont know how that guy parties that hard and can still get on stage the next night with almost no sleep and hungover.

He's probably lying

Where did Mark say this?

Latest Tuesdays pod.

She said this in front of children.


Piggish cum-hog women are never sexy regardless of what they look like. A female can be a spectacular whore in bed and not be a gross vile pig in real life.

I love Tuesdays, sucks being all caught up and now hearing them once a week.

Who did she still the joke from?


She is both brave and strong.

Does she really need more protein?