Need help finding a Jimmy Car Crash

1  2018-02-20 by StarWarsMonopoly

Its the one where he made a Lief Garrett joke and it bombed so hard that Anthony played the car crash sound effect like 15 times in a row.

I looked for it for a while last night and couldn't fucking find it


Is it called Jimmy's Carpet Bombing or something?

No, I think that was the one where Jimmy legitimately tried to tell a few jokes that bombed, but as the show kept going he started telling even worse jokes and Anthony was starting to yell at him to shut up.

If I remember right anyway

Fuck yeah thats the one!

Thanks man

I know you got your answer already but...

Just listen to all the bombs and flubs segments. They really remind you of how awesome the show was. Things are so fucking bad right now with Sam Jim and Ant. Just listen to that and you will laugh regardless of your awareness of the current shit show