PC Jim should ban Anth from his shows

48  2018-02-20 by Wolosocu

Anth is obviously toxic, there's no need to recount his transgressions (racist tweets, domestic violence, disregard for the law, putting bounties to stop free speech, doxing his own customers, etc, etc)....

If what Louis CK did is so vile to destroy a multiple decade friendship and effectively prevent Louis from being on any of Jim's shows, surely Anth is even worse?


That's a tough one man


You really think he would mother fuck him like that? deep inhale I don't know man.

I fucking hate when he does that shit

Ehhhhh yeah, that's a tough one man.

Ehhhhh yeah, that's a tough one man.

Ehhhhh yeah, that's a tough one man.

Do you think Jim masquerades as uh uh uhhh a completely blank canvas as to absorb the traits and opinions of ..... inhale of.... how am I trying to say this.... anyone he ahhh ahh deems "cool"........... or no?

Yeah but Jim is in actual love with Trandy

On the fence Jim plays both sides of the fence, who knew?

only thing that will make Jim turn his back on Ant is if he steals the Viking tranny from Jim

Unfortunately Chad Thundercock dumped Jim. :(

Jim finally ran out of tokens?

I'll occasionally send Jim the SelfCuttingGirl thread and and ask how he plans to frame his prior knowledge of Ant's pedophilia and how he justifies working with him. I genuinely want to know. Almost positive he just muted me at this point, though.

As much as all these shit bag radio hosts and comedians claim to be friends they aren't. They use each other and occasionally hang out once or twice a year and that's it. Once their careers are over which is anytime now they'll have even less to do with each other.

I don't think LouisCK is trying to get onto the show. He's laying low.

Oh, I always thought Louis CK was banned from J&S; not that appearing on J&S was beneath his dignity

It's neither.

I'm sure Jimmy would let him on. It's not beneath Louis. Louis is rightfully ashamed of his behavior and is staying out of the limelight.

It's still beneath him.

Who IS Jim's best friend??

Jennifer 'let ethnics in my fat-flaps' Carmody, or

Anthony 'N who hates Ns' Cumia

Jimmy would never do that to Anthony as that's his last lifeline for fulfilling his own ego after J&S gets canned.

He got bad press

Not one of them bitches pointed out that Louis is being treated like a rapist, when in reality he's an exhibitionist, and he had an audience that could have walked.

Is it possible that there was some other reason him and Louis aren't talking it aren't close at this point, so his take on the incidents is just not to comment on them? He's certainly gotten pissy about comics bailing on him before, and those are the ones we know about. If it hadn't been the last straw with Opie, we never would have known he had a problem with DL.

It's still beneath him.
