I'm Getting Real Proficient At Finding You Fucks.

112  2018-02-20 by OutlawMemer


If only he had the same proficiency for locating firearms around the house.


All those years of bragging about his expensive guns and forming his identity around them and now he has none. He has to let Keith live there so he can feel safe

Was that really confirmed they took his guns from him?

That’s what they do after a domestic assault.

Yeah and he hasn't posted one picture or made references to them, which he did for years on end

Yeah he’s “gun free”. I’m sure he has a couple laying around, but he’s no better than a nigger with a stolen gun now.

This should be tweeted at him.

I gotta hand it to him. He is a pretty proficient guy.

Proficiently gay.

I feel like he used the word "proficient" to sound like a tech savvy bad ass. He definitely borrowed the phraseology from a sci-fi movie. Anthony is a cyber faggot

Good stuff

hes calling the cyber police

Because he back-traced it!

(Consequences will never be the same!)

All this time and money spent to dox mostly losers instead of marketing strategy or how to get somewhat known guests. Nope rather get wasted and pretend my business isn't collapsing in on itself until the day of reckoning

Failing??? I'll have you know they had on THE Joe Currie today!!!! You know, part Arcie Bunker, part Ralph Kramden. Back to obscurity with you! 😆

Watching a documentary on the crusades, and Ant looks like the spitting image of the Arab actor playing Sultan Saladin's second-in-command.

I'll take your word that that's a real historical figurem

Wouldn't matter...Ant still looks like the Arab actor.

What if he works for BBC?

Only if they are REALLY big.

He backtraced him.

He's hacked into our gibson guys, he found the backdoor!

Imagine if he had the proficiency to prepare for his internet radio/internet TV broadcast.

Now that would be something.

I think it’s funny that he has always said you should be able to take the heat if you are in comedy. One tranny joke and the pussy shits his pants.

I say we craft a fakr ID for him to do and make it someone he knows like fred from Staten island

Did Anthony steal Pete Davidsons hoodie?


Yeah and he hasn't posted one picture or made references to them, which he did for years on end