How many Italian flower pots do you think Cumias own?

11  2018-02-19 by Der-Giftpilz


That's actually genius. How dare you.

Italians loved these in their yards back before the plastic pink flamingos

I'm too young and beautiful to know that.

that looks bad ass

would go great next my venus de milo chia pet

how many times has Matarese been out with his wife, and she's talked him out of buying one?

You don't buy them, its a do it yourself. if you are Italian every family has their secret way of making them just like their mama's sauce

The Cumias converted them to ashtrays.

They compliment the lawn jockey statues.

The cumias are too dumb and black to know how to nurture plant life

Are you saying that everyone doesn’t have those pots? I had no idea.

geez looks like his blown out butthole hemorrhoids + tranny dick

That would blow Joe Rogans mind. somebody used to drive on it now its inside out

I grew up with these and I'm not Italian.

Oof, You have to be lower than a Italian then

Puerto Rican :/

Yep, you sure are

Well maybe to regular Italians, but lets not forget the Cumia's are Sicilian.

Puerto Ricans > Sicilians

I've never seen of these before! I must acquire one now! $125?

One for every column.