Sam Robert faces his audience of fans

125  2018-02-19 by zuckmydick


But you forgot his only fan, his mother.

She's there, Sam always carries a pair of her dirty panties with him every where he goes.


Does he trade 'em?

She's more of a booty call

Better turnout than I would have expected

Sam's shadow is going the wrong way, dingus.

Only a fag would notice that shit, queer.

First thing my faggot mind thought was this guy pays attention to detail, he even gave Sam a shadow. Then it thought 'Wait a minute, it's going the wrong way. What a dingus.'

I'm not here to insult you. Just pointing out that you're a fag, queer.

Have a pleasant afternoon.

Always wonder how some men are exceptionally good at spotting homosexuals.

That's exactly what a fag would say, you fairy.

Don't worry, I noticed it to. Let's make out

These types lack self awareness.

sandworm better eat that mo fucka

Sand don't even like that muug

R2D2 and C3PO are just over the horizon, waiting to tell him how much his show sucks.

Even gay robots cooler than that lil muug

“Comb the desert!”

We ain’t found shit!

Ohh reddit.

Where will he get Pepsi?

Dressed up like Willy Wonka and shiznit...

Jim isn't in the picture because sand has salt, and salt has sugar

Fake. Sun is hitting sam at wrong angle

His kinky hair protects the sun from frying his brain.

He's staring at a mirage of a frozen section filled with Dino Nugz.

Does he get any views during his live YouTube shows? I can't imagine anyone watching it on purpose...

Faaawkin sand and shitznits, it's coarse and gets in everywhere and shit!