If Paul Joseph Watson doesn't eat soy, why does he have such perky boy tits?

0  2018-02-19 by TinKnockinMoroccan


Dude just kill yourself at this point

I know it hurts to be betrayed this way, but you have to know that you've actually been suckling soy out of PJW's boobs this entire time.

What are you talking about? I said kill yourself

Because you're upset. It's understandable. Everybody hurts, sometime.


Projecting your butthurt over being told to kill yourself, understandable.


I don't take it personally. Vic is just having a hard time coping with the fact that their hero is actually full of soy himself.

Last night's thread did so bad you thought you'd redeem yourself today? Lol

Nice try, faggot.

No one cares about "PJW", that is why you're a faggot. Btw trannys are still men, you mentally ill faggot.

I see you're not taking the news well either. It's alright, the healing process begins now.

Are you alt-right?

Are you that vin guy on twitter? 🤣

My name isn’t Vin & I’m not anonymous on twitter & Ant could never make my twitter follower count if I did decide to attack him. Just wond red why vichenleyssister is upset that making fun of this alt-right Paul Joseph guy.

Paul Joseph isn't alt right you pansy douche

Relax homo, what exactly is alt-right then? You don’t have to be burning down black churches to fi5 the description. Forget about politics for a minute, I just read that this Paul guy believes in the Illuminati?? Gtfoh! You’re one of those people who actually unironically listeners to Alex Jones & believes his insane shit.

I blame the jews.

Far enough

trans-shaming on this sub? sad!

Whoda fuc dis nigga iz?

He and Alex Jones use plastic cups and shampoo which have illuminati chemicals that make you into a fag. Follow the money.

Why is this guy always brought up? Was his cumstains leftover in alex jone's room traveled throughout handshake was transferred into antony cumias hand which he later used to finger his own asshole while watching sue lightning videos?

It seems probable.

probably because half the dumbells on this sub unironically watch his videos and repeat his talking points verbatim.

And he puts his sunglasses on his shirt collar like a faggot.

Why is he relevant to the sub?

You're obsessed, eat lead

You guys have a very low bar for what qualifies as obsession.

You've made like 4 of the same posts about this guy in 2 days, to a resounding lack of support. Obsessed.

It takes like 5 minutes to find pic and think of a title.

You also need the impetus. That's where your obsession comes in.

I like to shit post.

Well done.

TinKnocking what's your beef with him? Did he insult your people or rebuff your drunken advances one evening?

I actually don't have any beef with him. I posted a video mocking him for being dumb and a liar(which he is) and a few people got disproportionately triggered over it. So I'm making a few threads to watch the same 3-4 people sperg out by calling me obsessed, while also posting in every thread to tell me to kill myself, because I made fun of their idol.

PJW is okay in small doses I guess. As are most of the infowars guys save Alex, who at this point might be the funniest guy on the planet, regardless of whether are not you agree with his politics and take what he says with a grain of salt. But if you listen to his support staff for more than half hour at a clip, they get annoying real quick, and constantly repeat the same point over and over. Plus their gimmicks get annoying, like PJW over the top English annunciation and constant references to soy boys and special snowflakes and Owen Shroyer's lil incredulous laughs.

Sometimes I listen to an infowars live stream while I'm making dinner or w/e and it's so repetitive. Owen is the worst though. It's like all he took away from Alex Jones' interview style was to constantly interrupt/talk over your guests, and combined it with the sniveling rat like delivery of Sam Roberts.

Yea. War Room is the worst segment on the channel save anytime there's a girl on. I think it's his obnoxious lil laughs he makes. It's far more forced and annoying even then Anthony's HO LEE SHITS. The other day, however, I heard Alex say they're ( the ruling elite) gonna try to start WW3, absolutely savage the world's populations, reducing it to several 100 million, and then merge with the machines, and become soulless cyborgs. Whether you believe it or not, and at this point I agree with most of what he says, I may not 100% believe it, but I think he's somewhere in the ball park, and at the very least is more truthful than the MSM and far more accurate overall, he's absolutely hysterical.

gonna try to start WW3, absolutely savage the world's populations, reducing it to several 100 million, and then merge with the machines, and become soulless cyborgs.

He says that roughly every 10 days, and it's always going to be the result of vague intel he got from a trusted source about events that will happen in the coming months, unless the elite changes their plans because Alex talked about them.

Honestly, the guy makes so many predictions that he will eventually get one of them right. The one you mention covers half a dozen possible apocalypses in one sentence. But he also spent a year claiming the elite would assassinate Trump. Every time one of his deadlines passed without Trump being killed, he would bump it up a couple months.

Those will be full Opie sized in 5 more years. I really don’t know this guy but I know he’s alt-right so I hate he dies a horrific death sooner than later.

He looks kinda chubby I guess for him but otherwise a fairly regular dude, why are you trying to make this sub hard left?

Hard left?

That's not the political angle you're coming from when you post a picture of Alex Jones' sidekick to the ona sub because his t shirt kinda sorta makes it look like he has tits but not really? Come on, man

Do your luscious titties look like that too? It's not normal. Wear a bra.

To the point it's worth posting a pic here where this guy is not relevant ? Wtf

You guys have a very low bar for what qualifies as obsession.