AA Show gets HUGE A-List celebrity today

26  2018-02-19 by WindiPaper


What a terrible image to promote a show with...

you're not excited that the conservative alcoholic and the liberal junkie are being joined by a white Gary Coleman?

More like Blow Rogan

Looks like a gay genie.

That would be a fag

"Your wish is my CUMmand!" Get it?

I Dream of Guinea

*What a terrible image to promote a show with...

how does anyone still pay for this dreck?

The Wizard of MS Paint has delivered another gem.

I hear this guy is a cross between Arcie Bunker and Ralph Kramden. Look out!

"To the moon, Dingbat!"

I hear that his humor is reminiscent of Arcie Bunker

I hear they will have PlankHand tomorrow fuk yeah

Ive actually seen this guy live, he's kinda like an Archie Bunker meets Ralph Kramden, not bad.

Isn’t he Anthony’s childhood friend?

I think you're thinking of someone else who's name I can't remember but yea I'm sure this guy stinks, I just said that bc it's in his awful twitter bio


Isn't this the sad friend who lost many thousands in Tony's smelly old people's home basement poker games?

I think so

I'm sure Ant reimburses all Compound losers so he doesn't risk losing precious company.

First Dave Landau now Joe Currie!? Who said Ant can't get A-Listers!

Just wait cause Joe DeVito could be next

I'd pay $19 a month for that kind of greatness!

Matt Iseman!

The Dane Cook of network D-Listers

Keith said Anth told him Landau is the next Jim norton on air.

Keith is a staggeringly retarded wop.

I heard this guy was a pedophile, but he entered a contract so I must have misheard.

I hate Anthony's comfort with himself

I know that you are saying this tongue-in-cheek, but, you just wait until they get that studio in the city up-and-running. Between Jimmy stopping by at least once a week and the fact that guys like Colin can get there so much easier, you will eat your words sir!

So basically a handful of retards pay a monthly fee to watch a couple of old degenerate buddies from high-school talk about old times and politics.

kinda like hanging out at the local vfw eh

wait, is this THE Plankfoot?


He's certainly not going to Currie any favor with this audience!

Please somebody call in and ask who the fuck "Arcie Bunker" is.

He used to make fun of Methead all the time

That's Archie bunker.

Nah he made fun of Meathead. Notice the missing letter.

I stink.

You're making fun of this but believe it or not, people actually pay to watch this.

I never heard of like 80% of people Anthony gets as guests. How is Anthony even aware of people like Colin Flaherty or Joe Devito & a better question why does he think they’d be good guests. I know most people with any kind of career won’t go anywhere the compound but no guests is better than shotgun guests.

His laugh made me unsubscribe in like 2015.

The worst laugh. You can hear him sometimes during the show, I guess he sits on the bleachers hoping Ant will invite him on.

That fucking AWFUL pastels filter from 1997.

It really classes up the joint, mixes well with the green screen studio

Fuck me this is pathetic.

I'm a bit confused, it was my understanding that the New York City studio would bring a cavalcade of celebrities.

I like Anthony more than most people here, but this is really fucking stupid. He needs to grow some balls and stop sabotaging himself. He could get plenty of funny comedians on the show and this is who he picks?

No he can’t. I like 🐜 too, for as much as I shit on him, but he is toxic. If he had a real show, guests would come on despite that toxicity. But Ant broadcasts to tens of people at a time behind a paywall. He can barely land Jim Norton. Unless he completely reorganizes he is toast.

His head to neck proportion looks exactly like how my drawings come out when I fuck up. Poor fella

Nigga looks like a big toe with a grin

you're not excited that the conservative alcoholic and the liberal junkie are being joined by a white Gary Coleman?

Just wait cause Joe DeVito could be next

Looks like a gay genie.

*What a terrible image to promote a show with...

Keith said Anth told him Landau is the next Jim norton on air.

"To the moon, Dingbat!"