🔥🔥🔥 Things are getting hot over here 🔥🔥🔥

45  2018-02-19 by [deleted]



You have too much time on your hands

Huh? I would have you know I just found an AMAZING new job. #tie #watercooler

You have a mental illness

You're confusing me with me with my mother. /r/raisedbynarcissists #haters

Is this real or are you like that guy in fight club who wrote books from an organs perspective.

I am Opies sense of humor

Some of this isn't your fault

I mean, a man can only take so many wedgies before he goes to pieces

Pro-tip: taking the moral highground works better when you're not a member of a sub made for unironic psychopaths with threads like

  • Do braindead female's vaginas still self lubricate?
  • What would you need do or say to break someone emotionally?
  • Is it legal to masturbate to your own photos as a young child?

what? you drunk or something?

Good work.

So are you one of the faggot ruining that sub? You know this bitch shit is gonna bring heat on us here. They're already posting about what you're faggot ass and chippusmaximus are doing to that sub with your sandy hook stuff ON OTHER SUBS.

It got old pretty quick...

It was never funny to begin with.

I'm mostly agreeing with you, would have been better by just plugging Rich Vis gigs instead of going into the whole 12 year old edgy Sandy Hook denier shtick.

Looks like the sandy hoax defense force is out in full force on reddit, but some men are still brave enough to speak the truth, those men are Alex Jones, Jim Fetzer and the Gregg "Opie" Hughes.

Amen brotherman

Jesus Christ, this is pathetic.

I need this place like alcoholic Jimmy needed that second sip of Coors Light. Please don't bring attention to us.

Ewww. He lives in "Trump Place."

Dropping hammers on the 43rd floor.

This place has fallen apart.

Well at least we have his address now.

Hahah, over at subredditdrama, they highlighted a Vos plug.

"Sandy Hook didn't really happen. Also rich vos will be at the comedy zone in Harrisburg PA this Friday."

I loffed.

Isnt this exactly how the swat team killed a kid in those video game flame wars? with a fake doxxing?

Address looks legit

Gregg just tweeted he's putting you on blast... whatever that means. Too hip for me

Dude kill yourself.

You're confusing me with me with my mother. /r/raisedbynarcissists #haters