Some advice to Jim & Sam

0  2018-02-19 by brothermanbrotherman

While I appreciate their contributions to favorite O&A moments, their show is grating, fucking terrible aimless trash on par with every show that was ever Jocktobered.

Stop with the chit chat, stop having water cooler small talk in all seriousness. Neither of you are interesting enough to give an opinion that is worth hearing via a venue of professional entertainment.

If you're going to do the sarcastic ironic over the top faggot act with the music and the intro and the disingenuous cutesy rephrasing of punchlines as questions bullshit or whatever, at least stick with it. Actually preparing/writing for your show and doing real satirical bits like The Fugitive, War of the Roses, Tod Phone Scams would actually be a somewhat entertaining radio program.

And it's content that you are all very well aware of that could make for a wacky unique show on par with R&F of one time. Sit down and have a plan. You are not talented enough to make it up on the fly. You are barely talented enough to script something funny or be entertaining while scripted. Don't make it worse.

What else do you two have other than imitating O&A, directly or indirectly? Nothing. O&A got away with doing a lazy chit chat show because there was something oddly charming about the mix of Anthony who was witty and somewhat charismatic, Jim who was a hilarious person intentionally or not. There was an effortless vibe/back and forth that even in the satellite days attracted a lot of channel surfers. The only vibe of Jim & Sam is "flaccid dysfunctional cock."

No one cares what Sammy thinks about something in the news. No audience has ever been captivated by Sam's personality and expertise to the extent of wanting to know what he thinks about anything. No one needs to hear comedian Jim Norton try to break down an event by repeating what every other bore comes up with, but in a less convincing tone and with no humorous spin. Your stamp of approval means fucking nothing. Like O&A, everyday people could not possibly ever like what you are creating right now, but this time instead of the reason being outrage, it's out of complete boredom and probably disgust at how both hosts sound like fucking faggots with no life. And that's coming from me.


Just stop listening faggot.

i dont listen, I'm giving advice. No homophobia is welcome in my thread, please

It’s never going to change. You need to just smother it with a pillow and move on

The day they are both fired is coming soon.

Advice for Jim and Sam : Don't bother coming back to work tomorrow. Or ever.