Hello peckahs, my old friend...

23  2018-02-19 by PsychopathyRed

That's all I got.


I'am here to stuff your ass again...

With semin softly seeping

mustve dumped his seed while I was sleeping

And the lesions that are growing on my loins

Only a complete asshole ends the line on "loins" with no thought for the next poor prick who has to make something clever enough to make this group laugh, oh, and it has to rhyme with "loins".

Fuck you.


Low hanging fruit. What else ya got?

I sat looking at an empty fucking comment box for ages, only to give up in despair.

What's wrong with "Still remoins"?

Groins? Something joins? I saw the soigns?

You know still to this day everytime I hear that song I have to sing it that way

In restless dreams I walked alone

Ooh cool! He knows the real lyrics

To the soup line Opie joins

Size of coins

It's his viking cock my eyes have been peeping

According to music theory genius Tranthknu Cunia, you are an idiot because the third line of the original song has more syllables. You are doing what is music theorists call “shoehorning”.

Do you get it? I’m mocking the fact that Anthony always try’s to give off the impression that he understands how music works and that he has musical talent himself when the only thing closely related to musical knowledge he has ever displayed is knowing when Todd Petengil added in extra syllables to his song parodies

Joe Cumia has better responses.

This whole comment section reads like a transcript of Cum Town

Is it?

No these are marginally clever. Different than Stav just using the word cock for every lyric.

Joe Cumia has better responses.