What was the last good movie you saw?

5  2018-02-19 by NortheastPhilly


Goodbye Uncle Tom

The Day After. Everyone is incinerated or, best case scenario, get irradiated to all fuck. Steve Gutenberg doesnt die so its not perfect

I rewatched Donnie Brasco and ate tamales last weekend. Nice way to combat a hangover.


I rented this one and liked it a lot: Lost Soul: The Doomed Journey of Richard Stanley's Island of Dr. Moreau

Is renting movies still a thing?

yeah, from google or apple.

Good Time


A Futile and Stupid Gesture.

That movie fucking stunk.

And I can smell you from here, pal.


Phantom Thread.

Just watched Cloverfield ... it was ok

Cloverfield Paradox? First half was fun. Second half was fucking garbage.

No, the original

where was the monster, that movie was shit and if you felt different throw yourself in front of an oncoming train

blind bastard

Super Dark Times.

i dont feel at home in this world anymore, and cold in july

I finally watched Gerald’s Game. It was better than I thought. I was squirming in my seat watching that glass/handcuff scene. Holy shit.

My Friend Dahmer was alright. I really liked The Hidden. It's a ridiculous 80's movie that blends action, horror, and sci-fi.

I really liked The Hidden

The start of that has one of my favourite car-chase sequences.

Casino, goodfellas and jaws obviously

Now you can get all of Jim and Ant's references.

That's the bit.


agreed, no talking, no fucking stupid romantic plot, just telling a story in a weird way.

The Vanishing (1988 Dutch version)

The ending to that still makes me feel uneasy and I saw it years and years ago.

Yeah the whole movie made me uneasy. The killer is so weird and autistic, he would fit right in on this sub 🤔.

Have you seen the 1993 American version? It's downloading now...

American version is not good

Harold and Maude is a rare gem.


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Usually anything remotely family-friendly is repellent to me, but I thought Paddington 2 was awesome. Really fun and cool, with genuine wit and imagination. Not just a bunch of poo-poo jokes and simplistic life lessons. Truly accessible to all viewers. Simply put, the bear is dope. It paid the price for not pandering to retarded toddlers by grossing peanuts in the United States.

Did you see it by yourself or did you have kids with you?

I hope it was a 30 year old by himself eagerly watching full of wonder


Wouldn't say wonder, but there was a lot of grinning from the sheer charm radiating from the screen.

This obviously isn't the ideal sub for a Paddington shoutout. The question was posed and an honest answer was given. If it had been posed a week later my answer may have been Annihilation, which looks good.

Haha, by myself. I know on the surface it's totally indefensible and gay. The first one got insanely good reviews from sources I trust. I watched it on Netflix and thought it was funny and made with a lot of flair. The sequel got like three hundred straight positive reviews, so I felt obligated to attend alone. Literally every other kiddie property in entertainment I would have to watch at gunpoint; I'm here to tell you the P-saga is utterly transcendent.

suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure :)

I watched Back to the Future on HBO yesterday for like the first time in 10 years.

's good.

Black Panther

fucking childrens movie

I just watched enders game for the 3rd time. It's pretty good.

The book is better

Edmond the Anthony Cumia story,starring William Macey.


Boondock Saints was pretty good, fuckload of blood

Shape of Water was pretty decent

Hostiles, the new Christian Bale movie. It's pretty good.

Suicide Kings

American Made

Black Panther

A Clockwork Orange, Cuckoo's Nest, and the Shining. I mostly watch TV like Seinfeld and Columbo though.

'I, Tonya' I thought was really good.

Meet The Hitlers documentary.

Be sure to use Deep Discount to buy all of these fine quality movies. Or just download them from torrents because it's 2018, whatevs.