What Anthony looks like when playing video games

125  2018-02-19 by Bonanza2020


Nice!!! Damn you Lloyd Braun.

Kramer eating that petrified hotdog gets me every time.

it's a perfectly sane food to eat!

Probably in my top 5 favourite episodes. The whole thing with the woman thinking George is insane is so perfectly woven through the episode.

don't you see? he was doing it to fool lloyd braun!

Oh my goodness, what a spanking button.

I love his name. Mr harharwood

polar opposite of what he looks like, dude

He looks like Jimmy Conway in the diner in Goodfellas.

Ace Rothstein in the closing scene in Casino

gangster in Scorsese film


God bless, god bless.

a syrian jew?

Is it me or is that a lot of gum?

It's a LOTTA gum!

Ant definitely blames the guy with the hose.

Best episode, btw. A god damn tour de force.

Are you Sam's mom?

Intern Seinfeld

frrrrrr frrrrrffff

You just stole this joke from u/edgars_teeth

Pssh, just like a civilian not to understand parallel thinking.


Pssh, just like a civilian not to understand parallel thinking.

Team America Kim Jong Il

Seinfeld has better taste in women.


“What’s with these poor internet connections” “oy vey”

Let em in Sammy

long, sickly sounding Artie laugh

Except it's not funny when Tony does it.

gangster in Scorsese film

I love his name. Mr harharwood