All kidding aside folks. That asian broad really is a piece of shit.

48  2018-02-18 by SpitItoutSocrates



She needs to be encouraged to keep bitching. It’s only a matter of time before she wakes up and realizes how badly Apatow used her. We get it, Judd, she’s funny because she’s Asian. With just enough prodding, Apatow can get Heigl’d again.

The Cross thing can be summed up as "Comedian says a joke" and the Manson thing can be summed up as "Marilyn Manson does something unseemly". It makes me laugh that this bitch is so blatant about generating controversy about someone more famous in order to advance her own miserable career of making youtube videos of her dancing like a retard because Trump. And it will make me laugh harder when no one wants to interact with her due to her habit of being an adult version of an elementary school tattle tale

Ho ho ho me hord grudge rong time!

Yeah, she's a cunt. And so is David Cross. Guys like him and Aziz that go around pretending to be 'woke' and acting pompous are now getting called out for being hypocrites. I don't feel bad for any of these faggots caught up in the MeToo backlash.

Future Jim norton

I would pay money to see this happen to Judd Apatow.

If you ask me iss abou time pesky lound eye get in tloubre

They rack empathy

Chinkery begets Faggotry begets Kikery

How can you call yourself a comedian and not understand and obvious dumb joke.

That's a girl?

I want that retarded nigroe to kick her in her slanted cunt.


its great, for years we've had ass kissing and radio shows being cancelled and now theres #MeToo and all the bitches who did that shit are being destroyed, we get to sit and watch them all destroy each other and throw gas on the fire. Remember how Matt Lauer treated Paula Deen?? Remember David Cross wrote a cringeworthy letter to Larry the Cable Guy? I hope they enjoy hanging from the ropes they built for themselves.