Gregg Opie Hughes. A man's man

40  2018-02-18 by 2hawt2sexxxi


what is it with these homos? I would worship this chick.

Really? Worship? I get what you're saying but she's not all that. Gregg and Tony are fags though no argument there

I would personally would worship her. Not saying she is S.I. cover worthy or the most beautiful woman in the world.

Would ya?

This nincompoop says "I would personally would", and I'm the shmuck?


In the same breath I wouldn't call someone a homo for not wanting to sleep with her

You're a homo.

Haha you think that bothers me when it comes to this women downvote me away, I forgot how many fat people are on this sub

Fucking faggot ass punk motherfucker

Lol the comment below in response to this, you cant not read in fat person voice

All that?

I'd let her sit on my face

H key broken?

No he said her

And i said broken not not functioning

Tss why don't you tell a not not joke or somethin.

That shit Opie famously took on the beach is in better condition right now than his broadcasting career.

Opie telling someone he doesn’t know comedy in this post

He sounds like the faggots in stand up shots.

the opester is mentally ill

I mean that guy was just a civilian.

What is he even trying to say here

That he’s secretly been in divorce proceedings for the last six months.

I legit think so since if he still had Bam’s sidepiece he wouldn’t post this. I think the Opester is back on the market and eyeing some potential mates.

Big ol bitch eatin' sand "samwiches" cuz. Da master.

Da opesters got sum jokessssssssss buh-leeve you ME


it's a cry for help

They all like thin little men

Opie always said certain women scare him (penis size ), ant thought anyone that had a developed body was too matronly (pedo ), and Jim thought he couldn't relate to anyone older than 21 or without a penis (gay predator)

Certainly fuck able but clearly 2 years away from getting her foot chopped off

surprised opie didn’t accuse her of stealing the sand bit

This asshole was so fucking lucky that he wasn't doing PrepBurger bits for his entire career. What an ass.

Why does Opie tag his stuff with #OpieShow and #OpieRadio when he neither has a show nor works in radio?

good to see Opie making sandwich jokes. He’s finally getting over his horrific childhood pepperidge farm bread PTSD.

She looks very fuckable here.

I would fuck this bitch on a drunken night but I have to say she is a fucking mess. She has the same addiction as erock. Her ass looks ok cause the way she is posing. If she stood up you would be able to see the cellulite. This bitch needs to put down the fork and do a few squats.


Those are some pretty banging hashtags he has there.

A grown man using the word "samwich" or "sammich", is a man that shouldn't be alive.

Having said that: I would lose my load 10 seconds into banging this broad.

I'm on and off with this fat chick, usually I lean toward thinking she's hot but here she looks like she's got a fat man ass

Why did you un-mod us all from /r/morbidquestions? Fag move bud.

All the complaints about child porn made it seem inevitable that the place would be shut down if I didn't give the green light to clean it up, you guys will be back some day soon

I was just fucking around - kind of knew we'd get burned the minute nig posted that pic. Looking forward to the return - got a lot of gloating faggots messaging me of late. It would ruin their day for sure when they see my name in the sidebar!

Its better this way, let the sub go back to normal then when they least expect it.....

Who's the whore? And is there any video of her getting cum blown all up inside her fat cunt?

He's shouting WAIT!!! like he's still being ignored and joke over. This is the real chip wait

Fat monkey on a beach

Is that leftover cement from the bag he had to take his lunch in everyday?

I’d wear her ass as a face mask. Very sexy.

Getting these two washed up homosexuals banned from social media would be so satisfying.

You're a homo.

Fucking faggot ass punk motherfucker

Lol the comment below in response to this, you cant not read in fat person voice

Why did you un-mod us all from /r/morbidquestions? Fag move bud.