Never Forget. My dick is a Piss Balloon.

11  2018-02-18 by tranthonyhughes


The problem with over-sharing on radio

If Ant had kept his off-air life off the air (like Johnny Carson, David Letterman, et al) and just concentrated on being funny he could have been around as long as he wished.

Uncanny Valley

I fucking hate Sam Roberts

Piss balloon is too generous. More like a finger cot.

What? Your computer crapped out.

Probably wasn't wearing my Sam Roberts sized finger condoms while cleaning it.

Sperm forehead vein

Dick so small it couldn't force open forskin

Back when he looked somewhat human. Now he's gone full Dr. Seuss

I downvoted you because he never looked human, in fact when he was on that Nickelodeon show, he looked like a facehugger