Let's be honest, brown skin is just prettier than white skin.

0  2018-02-18 by TinKnockinMoroccan

You can hem and haw about "white features" but only a creep who's into frail anemic broads prefers pale skin to warm shades of caramel and cocoa.


Litterally the opposite of this is true

Yeah they don’t think pink pig skin is pretty 😂

Fucking losers LOL

Respectfully, take your uppity jiggaboo tongue and return it to your mouth

Yeah! I like monkey shit skin myself 😂 Fucking losers LOL!

Yeah they don’t think shit colored monkey skin is pretty 😂

Fucking losers LOL

I like a cappuccino toned woman.

Nah, Americano first!

We refer to dummies like you as nigger lovers. You are a low tier subhuman.

You don't find early-onset rosacea attractive?

Nothing's hotter than a girl who always looks like she just stepped out of an arctic winter.

What do you have some thing for Anthony because he is darker it sounds like it

Ant has a corpse like pallor that is only balanced out by his excessive alcoholism. The result is that he looks like a rat meat vendor in a Romani ghetto.

But you still find it more attractive over somebody pale

Ant is extremely pale.

Pale skin is the equivalent of heart of Africa black. Normal white skin is much prettier than "caramel" skin (aka shit skin). You're objectively wrong, faggot nigger.

Nah. Darker skin tones are rich, earthy and luscious. There is a reason nobody's favorite color is beige.

Beige is my favourite colour, khaki being second.

I'm going to write a book about the difficulties I face as a nazi who is only attracted to black women. I will call it My Struggle.

More like My Tuggle, amiright?


maybe when it's used to make a nice lampshade

It's definitely true. Deep down everybody wants to look Puerto Rican. Whites like to tan their skin to be darker, and blacks want to be more light skinned. Mixed race people are the best looking. It's just a fact. But it doesn't mean that mixed races are good for society. Jews are the most inbred people, and they are the most successful, because they kept their culture alive for so long.

Culture and race are two totally separate entities.

What the hell is happening to this subreddit?

We're very accepting of trannies and african americans, you see. nicest sub on the planet. ahhh but what do I know? I Just clock in and out 9-5

Just like everything; the spades ruin everything fun.

That is true, but I would never have a kid with someone with brown skin. I want me kid to sort of look like me. Also I think they die way sooner and tend to be sicker. That's not a joke, but in my experience they tend to be a little sickly.

Yeah because pale white girls with blonde hair, blue eyes, pink nipples and asshole are gross.

I do like girls with darker skin, too... they're called white girls who use the tanning bed.

Brown people are hairier and not aesthetically pleasing in general. There are some guys into Asians moreso than whites, but even they admit that once you've seen one, you've more or less seen them all.

White women who use tanning beds are typically gross. If you’re pale, be pale. They’re no different than dark women who treat their skin to be lighter. Fake and gross.

I like a white bitch with thong and bra tan lines. It lets me know what they've been doing: nothing as usual, but under the sun.

Oh sure, and tan lines from natural tanning imply some modicum of sexy modesty (as in, she was laying out in the sun, but her bits and pieces were covered), whereas the even all-over artificial tan is just so...Jim Florentine’s ex-wife Jersey MILF gross.

Meh, good point.

Yeah...I love blotchy Indian, Arab, or little stubby Latina bitches with their dark brown asscracks, purple pussy lips and lower back hair.

You’re right.

Nah, Americano first!