Where we at with the Black Panther?

6  2018-02-17 by Grillskillz

movie is doing big numbahs


maybe joe from albany has something insightful to add

Don't really give a hoot about comic movies but I'd check it out to see if it's anywhere near as good as the hype around it. The black people dressing up to go see it remind of those autists who dress up in robes and bring light sabers to the star wars movies.

I don't like black people.

Greatest film ever.

I'm not going to see it in the theater. I want to be able to hear it without other people adding their own commentary.

I hate Niggers

I enjoy the black black blackity black black black part of it

for the first week, those good damn jews are great marketers they convinced people this is the first black movie lead while guilting the white (majority) population if you dont go see it or review it negatively you're a racist. dividing the country while getting paid. those dirty tricksters know no bounds

There sure do seem to be a lot of Disney movies that are coincidentally "important."

I swear to everyone I'm not antisemitic but if you can't admit there is not a disproportionately amount of Jews that are the heads/investors in banking and media you're not being honest

Not just banking, specifically investment banking. Don't wanna be involved if there's not guaranteed float to play with. I don't think there's some wide conspiracy either, just widely accepted nepotism. Jewish people love camp, and they just so happen to go to Jewish camps where they network with rich jews with deep ties in financial business and media.

There's one specific camp I wish they'd all go back to.

They don't love all Jewish camps...

Those tricks are just the tip of the Goldberg

The best work of art with predominantly black characters ever created by the human race.

Langston Hughes and Zora Neale Hurston can suck shit out of a goose’s ass after this game-changer.

Superheroes are boring and gay

I'm not a huge fan of movies.


The pictures of people dressed as KANGZ is the best part. They are such a stupid group of people.

I learned that Africa would have flying cars by now if whitey didn't interfere.

And whitey's on the moon...

It depends whether you eat bananas with your hands or your feet

When I saw them putting black people in made-up shitty Hottentot/Bushmen attire, I wasn't immediately able to comprehend the film's WOKENESS

It's a film about a black, walled-off, ethno-nationalist country, where one fascist leader fights off another for kingship in hand-to-hand combat.

Like with most things, it didn't bother me until people went insane over it

The Cumias think this movie is a documentary.

I want to see it but will likely wait until I can watch it on my couch like always

I'm sure it's good and fun and fine like every marvel movie

I went to see it because i was bored and 90% of the sold out theater got there 10 minutes late, they were loud and obnoxious and the theater looked like a garbage dump after the movie.

I saw Three Billboards on the UWS last week. Middle of the day Sunday. All white people. Old and young. And the theater was left trashy as fuck. What’s your point?

My white girlfriend and I are taking an Uber into Jersey next week to watch it and hopefully enjoy a decently made MCU movie. Taking an Uber cause the theater serves alcohol, so I’m definitely getting bent.

Niggers in space for another shitty fucking cheesy PG-13 child's movie

There was an Instagram ad for Black Panther. I went through the comments, and boy, do black people not like white people. No one is more racist than black people, that's the most ironic part. Martin Luther King and everyone fought for inclusion and equality in the 60s, but black people wanted/want segregation anyway, and are actively trying to implement it everywhere possible.

I went on a date with a black the other night, and even in "progressive" LA black people walked by us and all but spit like Bill The Butcher does in Gangs Of New York when Monk's funeral goes past. Black chicks will literally look us head to toe and roll their eyes/make a face directly to us. And get a dismissive "mMmmMm..."

It was really good. The Wakandans aren't treated like they're operating on a level above white people like all of these idiot racists are assuming. It holds their own nationalism and arrogance accountable. It's not a fuck whitey movie and anyone who thinks that needs to go outside occasionally.

I thought it was really cool. Not too preachy. I think the hype distorted what the film really is.

It's got things to say but It's not too preachy, and I like that they acknowledge racial problems while disavowing extremism. It's actually a nuanced and reasonable, noble stance in 2018, pretty wild.

Cast was all good, I didn't like the sister a whole lot bc she's just that standard quirky sassy childish character in all the hero movies, and I'm just kinda tired of it.

The story itself is something like Hamlet, and I think it leant itself to the larger statements pretty well in direct and allegorical ways.

As for direction and cinematography, it was your standard 2010s superhero affair. Not too offensive but nothing really great either. I think all the stylistic and structural trends keep a lot of these movies from reaching their full potential, and this is no exception. The beauty of Africa feels like Avengers' NY which feels like Strange's China. It takes a lot out I think.

Music was awesome. The standard orchestral stuff worked really well aesthetically and thematically when reworked with hip hop beats in mind. I loved the music by Kendrick and other artists but I wish I could've heard more of it.

I guess don't go see it if you're gonna be a racist fuddy duddy Cumia blowhard, but if you're up for a different enough superhero movie, it's definitely one of the better ones from this era.

So if I don't care about black people and all the bullshit surrounding this, and I just want to get high and watch a super hero movie it's a good choice?

ABSOLUTELY. Honestly it's better to just have fun with it. It's not trying to be MORE than any other superhero movie. Just chill and enjoy

you sound like a complete fag.


I haven't seen it but it's interesting that (((they))) are glorifying a black ethno-state while spending the last year convincing all the dumb whites that all of their countries are nations of immigrants.