The story when someone here shoots up a school

2  2018-02-17 by lobotomy75


I would never take a selfie in front of the mirror faggot. Do better.

Lil' Ant"ny a school shootah? My Muddah always said,"Stay away from that Cumia boy, those Italians are nuttin' but trouble, Chippah!" Then she smacked me in the face with her slippah.

i can not wait till i try to log on and this place is shut down, to turn on the tv to find out one of you psychos went postal. we'll all be talking to the fbi within a week

I'm a good candidate

you better not i told you to get a gun when that creepy kid was stalking you, they'll question me like al cowlings

They'd fuck it up and go when the place is closed and get stabbed and raped by a janitor. Remember how the soundbar theft worked out? We're not good at implementing complex plans.

Even the people on that forum were like "whoah dude, maybe tone it down a bit"

"the shooter was obsessed with race, violence, guns and trans-pornography"

Come on guys! Can we not let bygones be bygones.