ME: I could take photos of Roland shitting because I fawkin TOOK CARE OF HIM

54  2018-02-17 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


Shouldn't Opie be on some sort of offenders list?

Of all people with ears

God damn I wish he would just shut the fuck up already.

I have to defend him sadly. We keep pooking him well deserved. I find the daily outrage pleasant.

If you look at his feed right now, there's like ten straight tweets worthy of their own thread. He's complaining about Howard Stern, talking about how he has "his people", misspelling "white knight" as "white night" multiple times, and responding to a lot of "haters". He's lost his mind for sure.

Most excellent.

Hahaha even this sub is over him

misspelling "white knight" as "white night" multiple times


Anyone still doubt he's legitimately mentally challenged?

Could it be Roland really didn't care about being filmed, but was stuck with asshole Opie and wanted out badly, management said no then going to hr with it got him out of situation


His level of delusional is amazing. Opie having people is what Mike Bocchetti thinks of a career in comedy.

The Narcissist's Prayer.

That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did, you deserved it.

Sound like anybody we know?

Look, if Opie did buy him dinner first, then of course Roland owes him a scheisse video.

It's just like buying a girl a drink, Your Honour.

If you bought the stake that's being shat out you can watch him shit

Shit that stake right through Dracula's heart.

The twitter handle of the ace-h. is fantastic.

This was the same rational he used for why he could degrade homeless people.


xanax war chest makes a good point

"Paying every time we went out"

Tits was a Sugar Daddy to a 300lb monster, tried to push for pics which Roland had already explained would require a monthly allowance, and took matters into his own hands.

If Opie took care of his workers how come all of his ex employees can't stand him?

Because they're fawkin haters maaaaaaaaan

It's just like how he lies about "taking care of" Cakestomp Andrew. "Taking care of" Tippy Tom.

Because he thought by buying them things that gave him a free pass to treat them like shit, and bought their unending, unconditional loyalty.

Anyone that stood up for themselves within 6 months of the Opster picking up the tab at Subway, was seen as a disloyal betrayer.

Buying who things.... what are you talking about....

His staff. Try to keep up.

What has Opie bought his staff?

Subway. 6 months ago.

Kinda like how Ant and Jimmy took care of him by making his show relevant.

he must keep some kind of mental checklist of everyone he ever associated with, where he remembers every gesture of basic human kindness he ever committed for them, then he holds it over their head for eternity as a free pass to treat them poorly. when they don’t want to associate with him anymore because everyone’s true colors are revealed in time, and opie is a horrible human being, he plays the victim because of all the “nice” things he did in the past. he feels entitled unwavering loyalty from people because he spent some of his fortune buying them a sandwich. this retard is detached from reality and has no insight to how human relationships work and it’s left him parnoid and alone.

I'm not a very violent person but everything about Tits as a person makes me fantasize about punching his faaaawwwked up teeth in, slapping his titties around as he trys to convince you no one messes with a Hughes. When I have him down I'd kick his fat gut as he wheezed about haters. Then we'd emerge from under the sea and continue our totally real fight on land.

good fantasy, you should add an inquiring bystander who refers to Opie as “fucker” and asks him how the beating feels.

"I'm not keeping score or anything, but.."

And this gives you power over me?

Do you feel in charge?

Let’s be honest. Opie did take care of him in some ways, and Roland did stab him in the back. If Roland had done this to someone like Vos or Colin everyone here would kill him for it. But the fact is that what Opie did was indeed wrong, and Roland took down someone who inspires pure hatred in everyone who knows him. If Roland weren’t so hateable on his own, there would be a statue in his image somewhere near the SXM building.

Tits hung himself by talking about an HR issue on air.

If you look at Roland's linkedin you can see he was a talent booker for a lot of stuff besides O&A. He could've jumped ship whenever. He probably would've been better off working with anyone but O&A at SXM. He owes Opie nothing.

Even Roland admitted years ago that Opie and Anthony stuck their necks out for him, helped get him hired, etc.

So? It's not like he didn't have a resume with a history before he ever worked for O&A. He's not like Danny who was, is, and forever will be a shithead

So, if Opie accuses Roland of lying on his resume - is that defamation? Can Roland sue?

Does anyone know a defamation lawyer - possibly a handsome black man, who runs marathons - who could take the case?

I know of one!

Where does this “Roland is poor” stuff come from? Wasn’t his dad like someone big in entertainment, got him a job on Carson Daly and all that stuff?

He's a 40 year old man. You think his daddy gives him an allowance?

More like a trust fund, but yeah.

I really hate defending that fat, disgusting, mush mouthed piece of shit...but this is the one instance that Opie comes off better than his adversary IMO

you can really hear his screetching yell in that last line

I would let opie take a video of me shitting for 10k.

A bit of O&A history, Roland worked for them booking guests, at some point the company he worked with ceased the contract with xm and Roland moved to a different gig,then Opie eventually got Roland back on the show as a full time staff, he then moved on to be Siriusxm staff afaik.

He's right though, he got Roland a job and made that stuttering fool keep that job.

Let's be perfectly honest here, Opie just officially got fired for that film. SXM doesn't really give a shit, just like they never gave a shit for all the shit they pulled before.

They were just looking for an excuse to fire him because he was starting to become a head-ache to the company, especially since he didn't have a big radio-show anymore that would make the company lose subscribers. It all started with the hallway lockdown-thing and then the time they went into Howard's area. After that they were basically through with him.

No he didn't. He got fired for talking about a pending HR case on the air. He made his workplace harrassment into public knowledge and he didn't leave them any other choice but to terminate his contract. They would have been liable otherwise.

I've always just automatically assumed Opie was cancelled because his show wasn't good. I have to pinch myself when I remember it's actually true he got fired for filming Roland taking a shit

There's a lot of garbage on Sirius. Opie wasn't even awful enough to stand out in that way.

Can't decide if he really is a sociopath or if he is stuck in a hole he dug himself trying to be edgy to at least have that.

His multi-million dollar lawsuit against SXM is looking like a real slam dunk considering this kind of evidence.

I murdered a big fat girl recently, but the judge let me off because I took care of her for a few days prior.

he's actually right... Opie treated Roland with unwarranted and unearned respect. he was always picking people to placate. they were all walking on rolshells because he could fuck them over.

I fawkin gave him a bath and read him a book before bed every night. So there, what the fuck else do I have to do?

Me: Me me me me me!

I actually side with opie here. Roland is a price of shit

Tits hung himself by talking about an HR issue on air.

If you look at Roland's linkedin you can see he was a talent booker for a lot of stuff besides O&A. He could've jumped ship whenever. He probably would've been better off working with anyone but O&A at SXM. He owes Opie nothing.