Spotted on r/cringe

201  2018-02-17 by 2hawt2sexxxi



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lol, they're bitching that it's been posted there three times this month.

Keep up the good work fellers.

Oh so Thats what this is about

There are real life people that listen to Opie Roberts and Jim Norton? Whoa.

More likely just people from here wanting to watch them crash and burn.


I've read it here but never actually seen it. Jim isn't a real human with emotions if he thought that was an ok time to bring that up.

The only thing that I can think to explain his deportment is that he thought, since Doug had recently done all that profound work about his mother's death, he might be able to grok an especial moment for the show, but lil' Jimmy bungled the question and a befuddled Doug tried his best to keep the moment funny.

He's an idiot. At least Sam was trying to lead him to saying it himself. Terrible interviewer

Absolutely. If I recall correctly, that's what happened on O&J when Mike Tyson talked about being molested as a child. Jim is just a sweet, alacritous boy.


He's an idiot.

He's a sociopath mirroring normal humans. If all he had was calculator he'd start acting like a calculator.

It's my new character, Mathematical Jimmy

That's not a nice way to refer to Asians.

Jim isn't a real human with emotions.

No he isn't, he's a freak approximating a human being. I don't know how we all got used to his many "eccentricities" like they were somehow endearing instead of just seeing him for what he is a delusional, maladjusted crazy person.

He lives alone and he's had one long term relationship in the last twenty years. We're talking about a guy who would have sex with his girlfriend while pretending to be Chip.

Even if you're a perfectly well adjusted person, being isolated for that long just brings out the weirdest parts of a person's personality. I think it's similar to what homeless people experience. After living alone on the streets for a few months or years, your personality is altered.

But he still has a job and has to talk to people constantly, which should be enough to keep a decent person in society. The problem is that his only character is Hollywood Jimmy now. He sold his soul to ((them))

i think he's just mentally ill. some of the best years of mens lives are when theyre single, living alone, and working a job.

It was on his sheet

it was on the sheet though

We can always count on Jim for the hard hitting journalistic approach.

"Hey isn't there another actor people often mistake you for?"

Derrrrrrrmmottt Mulruney.

oh yeah, I've never heard of him either. Does he do movie or tv. Both, Jim.

Haha, I love all the people from here feeding the outraged norms metoo examples, saying jim was a zimaholic etc

You're real fans guys .. keep it up

Lmao I had forgotten how exactly he said it and figured the sub was just playing it up.

No he literally in the middle of conversation says "so I heard your mom was killed" and then just stopped

That's the most repeated comment in this sub. Let's expand our insults.

So I finally decided to watch the moment that's been meme'd to death.. Good lord. The hype was real.

"Won't see him no more"

Has anyone posted the clip of Sam yelling out the name of the guests decapitated son as he enters the studio?


where's this???

How did your father die? That's terrible, I'm sorry.

I watched this today, what’s up with Jim his body language has the spastic enthusiasms of a drag act. This is what the show is like? An empathetic, pontificating australopithecus and the aids riddled faggot goblin.

God, there is so much fodder cringe in there for people who don't know who the fuck they are

  • Jim's mannerisms / shit interviewing

  • Jim bringing dead mom up again to explain why he asked and to say it's on the sheet

  • Sam's voice, Sam's full denim suit

  • Bingo, for no apparent reason there's a silent blue haired woman making retarded faces and wearing a birds nest for a hat

  • Troy sexting and taking dick picks

  • the faint window reflection of a dog shitting in studio

Professional broadcasting

"so I heard your momz was murdered an shiznit?"

I was wondering what the "So you're mom died, GO!" thing was about.


Stanhope is a magnet for the legendary awkward.

I bet someone from here posted this.

This clip opened my eyes to the fact that Doug Stanhope is the best broadcaster in that room (and it's not even close).

I guess it's because Doug is genuinely funny, has the ability to naturally interact with people and when he is having a conversation he actually listens to the comments those he's speaking with (and doesn't ask a question and then check out your "girlfriend" on Chaturbate or desperately attempt to but sneakers or sext wrestlers).