Worst job you ever had?

7  2018-02-17 by crookedmile

I'd probably throw this for /r/all, but those fags don't really know hard labor. I was a glazier putting myself through school and had to detail Cabrini Green back in '02. My shop gave me a .22 and told me to get in-and-out each unit unit in 15mins. Everything was a goddamn mess, it was 2 blocks per unit, 1 living room, 1 bedroom. Trust, I've been in Chicago my entire life, but this was some hardcore shit. I remember walking the halls like I was going to die. My partner who ran the bucket truck to displace units/seal ran the building was nuts and had guns in the truck waiting to die. He was also nutz, but for his family. He literally had an arsenal in our van for Chicago detail. Either way, it's close to 2004 Grad and he's in the bucket, 2 towers down in Cabrini. I'm glazing the gardin apartments. i walk the corner, 3 guys are messing with the controls, he opens up maype 30 shots. Craziest thing I've ever seen. Next day I quit and move full tech


In the summers in between school I was an iron worker. Working a job that required little thought especially one that pretty much promised permanent damage to your knees/back was the worst. Plus seeing your co-workers just settled in life despite not being the most useless people I've met was soul crushing

I knew these dudes. They went on to work security for Fallout Boy. No joke.

The did Lifetime too

Real life copped me L's, pretty strange. Ive got stories too

Go ahead and tell some more stories please, I've got nothing going on.

Also, what line of work are you in now?

Tech. In the 2003 Lifetime reunion show they both fucked girls who may not have been of age. Years later said head of security popped in my local watering hole and said “I swear she was 13”. He’s a union iron worker. Honestly, we kicked those faggots assess at Pita Inn after their shitty Darkest Hour rip-off band would play Fireside

Holy crap

Yea knock knock who's there or something

Iron workers are maniacs but good dudes. I'm in the trades and work with those guys a lot. Laborers and iron workers are insane. Don't give a fuck about nothin and always have good shniz.

ya im in the trades too, file tradin

What bothered me the most was some of the year round guys could come up with solutions on the fly if something was off and it would be fairly sound from an engineering perspective and were making shit money

Were Union up here I can only imagine down south. Lots of guys have college degrees but fell into this shit one way or other. U kinda have to have a couple screws loose to stick with it. And be lucky enough not to blow out a knee or ur back. Or get killed. Fuck.

Iron work in the winter upstate new york was brutal. Running decking up a frozen beam just hoping youd keep your footing and not fall to your death for 8 hours a day is no way to live.

Yeah even with decent iron working boots just having the steel wet is fucking stupid. Can't imagine snow

When i was 15 i worked in a wood moulding shop, my job was to sweep up, empty the room sized industrial vacuum, and take deli orders. Taking deli orders is the worst fucking thing on earth.


I took deli orders while being a lot attendant at a dealership. I woukd go in with like 150 dollars orders. What they didnt know was i sold coke to the kid at the deli. Id throw him a 50 bag and keep all the money. I miss that. Now im sad

Anything in retail. Why the fuck would anyone take interest in this? Fucking soul crushing work where you have to bend over for fat slob customers and get paid nothing.

For three years i emptied cum from a comedian's constipated gassy rectum. For some reason every time I would do the job he insisted on being completely nude with a Steven singer golden dip rose in his mouth

To this is day it's hard to move glass. I had a cup malfunction, drop 14ft/18t 3/14 block of glass between myself and a wall explode (tempered). 134 stitches, almost bled out in the shot shop. Funny part was I went home to shower and pulled out most of my hair. They wanted me back the next day for work. Glaziers, they eat shit.

is this a tell-all or sumthin

If I say anything bad about this movie, I'm a racist. It's like Gone With The Wind: REBORN and REVOLUTIONARY!

I spent a summer stocking shelves at Walmart during college. No danger or injuries, but the entire experience was soul-crushing. You either had corporate assholes lecturing you about properly loaded carts or white trash coworkers talking about the best brand of chew or fatass customers threatening lawsuits over a puddle of water. Everywhere you turned, there was some miserable prick looking for an outlet. Fuck that place. I gladly would have gone back to my warehouse job, packing and loading cardboard boxes while drinking a container of coffee.

fat ass-customers

Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This comment was inspired by xkcd#37

Fuck off you pedantic cunt.

yeah just go to any walmart at midnight when they stock.

ive never seen more miserable people in my life.

When I was 18 I delivered auto parts for cjc in Lombard IL. Driving around to the same places, same routes, same 4 towns everyday may have been the most soul sucking job I've ever done. Got in 2 pretty good accidents doing it because I discovered road rage working there.

I was a caddy for the mob. You guys entitled kids like Sal and Troy don't know real hard work like the Hughes Brothers do.

Panera Bread

jerkin off punks for 15 bucks a man under a bridge

That's probably a good hourly rate.

oh adam

My dad made me do work experience with him as an electrician for no money during my summer holidays. Worst thing was either crawling in tight spaces in the heat or nearly getting my head kicked in by pikeys when you turn their electricity off because they haven't paid their bills.

I worked at a juvenile "treatment facility" that had some of the worst kids from Detroit, DC, Chicago and Baltimore. Kids who had killed, raped, kidnapped, and had legitimate gang ties. The state regulations and company rules changed over time so that staff really had no authority or means to keep the environment safe. The place got shut down for licensing violations.

Do u have any stories?

One kid saved up some candy and chips to bribe two kids to stage a fight. While staff was breaking that up, he jumped another kid and beat the shit out of him. Another kid cut his wrists and smeared blood all over the place. I threw my clothes out after I restrained him. Most of the sexual activity was consensual, either "gay for the stay" or kids who identified as gay/bi.

There was this fat white kid in a group room full of tough black kids, and the kids were at least nice to him and protected him. I think he was so obviously weak and non-threatening that it wasn't worth anyone's time to hurt him. The groups almost became family, and for some of those kids, the facility was better than home.

Waterproofing in Manhattan. Especially in the dead of summer. Absolutely miserable. You'd be covered in sweat, debris, dirt, demolition, just exhausted, moving 50lb counterweights up many flights of step, throwing debris bags around for hours, or bricklaying on a scaffold many stories up in the air. I did this for 10 years or so. I remember one time in August, it was around 2 PM, the sun was buuuhhhrrruuutttaaallll, and I was running counterweights all morning up 4 flights of stairs b/c the service elevator didn't run up to the roof. My coworker told me to run downstairs to unload a cement delivery all by myself. It was a few pallets of cement. On the last bag of cement, I was completely spent and pouring sweat, so as I heaved the bag onto my shoulder, it split open and absolutely covered me in cement powder right on the sidewalk. This group of yuppie office workers happened to be walking by, and started laughing at me. It took everything in me not to grab a shovel and assault them. I went to the bathroom to clean up and started sobbing. It was a bad day.

dude that sucks, I'm sorry, fuck those guys.

yea man. It was awful. After that experience I'll never laugh at any man's honest livelihood. As much as a piece of shit as I am, I don't think I'd ever have the heart to kick someone when they're down like that.

Jesus dude that sucks Probably kept your fat ass in good shape though!

At the time, I was roided out and in great shape. I became a fat fuck towards the end of that era though once my alcoholism/drug addiction and depression, exacerbated by a string a toxic women, completely destroyed me.

Damn, this made me sad.

Hey, you didn't call me stupid. I feel left out.

Do you have a good relationship with your family?

Yea, I guess. I'm the black sheep and the fuck up of the lot, but we all seem to care for each other.

I'm the black sheep too. Is most of your family in the U.S. or Spain?


I hate the feeling of dirt/debris on bare skin when you are sweating your ass off

It's a nightmare bro. I would legitimately bring and use 3 t shirts w/ me daily for work. When you get that sweaty and filthy, the best course of action is it keep working, b/c taking a break or cooling off just makes you feel worse.

You ever work with insulation? That shit is miserable. A coworker had got some of the fibers on his dick when pissing and it got "get to a doctor" swollen

Oh yea man. Constantly. Luckily we'd often be outdoors installing specialized insulation, so it wasn't as bad as the indoor types, but itchy as fuck regardless.

Waterproofing is the fucking worst. Half of my extended family is in construction trades & I always worked with different uncles or cousins as summer jobs. I waterproofed one summer & it was the only time I actually quit on a family member. I told my uncle I could do it anymore after I was almost killed when the ground collapsed in the hole I was in because he was trying to save money & time by not properly shoring up the bank. Not to mention I would get so filthy that my work clothes couldn’t even be salvaged sometimes. Those guys who waterproof should make $300k a year.

A few of my friends over the years, who when going through rough times, would sometimes ask me for a gig. I'd give them ample warning on what to expect when they showed up. I was such a monumental fuck up, that they musta assumed I would exaggerate about how hard the work day was. None of them ever made it past a week. Not one. And these were blue collar kids, who like me, grew up kinda street, and were pretty tough, no nonsense dudes. It really is a thankless, barbarous affair.

Yikes man. I used to cry on the car ride home too

I used to write for Rich Vos. Marble-mouth kike ruined every one of my jokes.

The worst job I ever had was working as a line cook at Red Robin for three months when I was in college. Since I was new, I got all of the worst shifts, which included breaking down and cleaning the kitchen at midnight on a Saturday night. On one side of the kitchen, there would be three or four Mexicans and on the other side, there would be two white boys until the Kitchen Manager realized that I could do the work of two white boys. I told him to quit scheduling me by myself or I would quit. After he did it a half dozen times, I walked off the line during dinner rush, went to the walk-in freezer and stole a mud pie, and walked out the back door.

how did that mud pie taste?

Like victory.

Concrete restoration. Up on scaffolding cutting, hammering, forming and pouring overhead in a parking garage during winter.

I worked at a hooters man, fucking sucked ass. The easy hook ups with sluts was not worth that bullshit man.

Cleaning bungalows in a beach resort. Hairs in the shower drain and shit speckles in the toiletbowl and industrial grade cleaning products that give you a sore throat if you breathe too deeply.

Damn...what beach resort?

any beach resort yknow what we weren't all born with silver spoons in our mouths pal.. try working for a livin then you'll see, what the heck do I know gimme a container of coffee I'm happy

What state or country?

I worked a summer job at McDonald's when I was 18. That fucking sucked.

Right now I’m 22 and I work in a shutter manufacturing workshop. Building interior shutters in Florida heat factory 8 hours a day, the sawdust fucks me up too. Oh yeah and they play “Rovers Morning Glory” our loud everyday and it’s fucking terrible. Old shows and old Ron and fez the only thing that keeps me sane, and my container of coffee

worked for a while at a residence for people with dementia and alzheimers.

Do you have a background in social work?

no. more like an attendant. Like an orderly or as I was called a work assistant.

Ok thanks

Direct care is a killer.

What was it like working on cumias mom?

no one as far off as Ro.

After reading your post I still have no idea what your job was. Glazier, buckets, cabrini? You might as well be selling Christmas lights in a parking lot.

He did windows and rode in bucket trucks, Cabrini Green is a ghetto.

He's acting like he's never seen Candyman.

I own the soundtracks to the first two Candyman films. They are exceptionally good.

I have and described it to a T

Norwegian rape slut

Gas station third shift. Got stabbed in both hands and almost shot twice. Worked doing shipping and receiving for a shit company from 8am to 12am. Went from almost 400 pounds to 250 in 6 months and made nine dollars an hour. I am an idiot with no skills.

Holy shit, that's scary! What do you do now?

Someone's zooted :)

I grew up on a pig farm. Outside everyday no matter the weather dealing with animals and their shit and sicknesses. I always smelled like pig shit even if I just took a shower. No days off and had to work before and after school. Summers are worse. Got to look forward to baling hay a good part of the summer. Covered in itchy shit all day throwing hay bales around on a wagon. I am an IT guy now and sit on my fat ass most of the day in a data center that is always cold so I don’t generate swamp ass.

Are your parents still farmers?

No, Grandpa who owned the farm passed away, parents divorced, dad went to prison, mom remarried to an car mechanic and I went into the military. The farm was taken under eminent domain. It was just enough to cover all the debts grandpa had for livestock, equipment and land.

Jeez...Can I ask what he went to prison for?

Heyyy Robert Pickton when did they let you out of jail?

I lived in Chicago for a year & it wasn’t all that far from Cabrini Green & I’d pass that place to get to the grocery store that was basically next door & I’d always be somewhat shocked at the conditions of the building with the chain-link fencing or whatever it was on every floor as to prevent people being thrown off the 10th or 16th floor. It was filthy & out of control. I’m from Nre York city the birthplace of the housing project & there was something more sinister about all the projects in Chicago but it might of been that this was in the early 2000’s & the city was in the process of tearing all down & relocating the residents.

yeah and all the fucking chaff from that area would take the train right to the white sox games and harass people. fun times

I started to read this post, then I went to the comments. It didn't feel like a job at first, but it ended up taking all fucking day and was boring

Was a night manager at a hostel. Drunks, breaking up fights, carrying people to their rooms. I dont know how to fight or handle confrontation so it was shit. When i quit my manager said i was the only night guy that never punched anyone or was punched. Some british chick threw up on me...

Was a baggage handler for my first job. Just me and two other guys non stop moving thousands of bags a day. I lost so much weight but got tinitus from being so close to plane engines. Now im a refrigeration mechanic and im pretty shit at it and my body is failing me.