The most embarrassing thing about Anth

34  2018-02-17 by JoeCumiasCockBreath

It's hands down these private messages he sends on twitter to people when he blocks them.

This confused, doddering old fool genuinely thinks he is fucking annihilating you when he makes fun of your account having 6 followers. No concept that it might be a throwaway troll account.

I don't even know where to start on how cringe inducing that is.

I didn't realise his wet brain had gotten so severe.


If the replies constantly have sue lightning references in them, he will pay us a visit and give us a talking to about how to treat people again.

These old fucks think making a twitter account is like getting a driver's license. You can only use your real info and have to take it super seriously.

I’m 90% sure I’m going to start making alt twitter accounts to start fucking with Ant. It just seems like you guys are having all the fun

You’re already late to the party better get moving


And he only DMs as he's blocking so they can't talk back. Spaghetti faggot would quiver if they could respond about his fave craters, tranny fucking, heart attack, gf blowing an intern, domestic abuse, etc.

The worst part is you can tell he gets a real buzz from it too. I just imagine him sat there, carefully choosing his words and emojis for maximum impact before hitting the block button.

What a faggot.

I love the fact as well that he blocks people immediately after sending his gay little message as though he's "won."

Hey. Nana. It's the same dozen people winding you up again and again and again, you fucking mong.

Xanax is basically the same thing as emojis and blocking. It lulls you into a false sense of well-being and then lets you block out all that regret, shame, and horror. No wonder that, mixed with bud light, is his drug of choice.

It is a great drug

Hmmf... says the guy with only 8 followers 😂😂

Back to obscurity with you!

I dunno man getting fired from your easy ass radio gig where they pay you millions of dollars and turning from one of the quickest funniest people to a race obsessed loser is pretty embarrassing.

Anthony Doddard Cumia