Just watched Alien for the first time.

34  2018-02-17 by RBuddCumia

Patrice was right, Sigourney Weaver was the best -- baddest female protagonist ever. But goddamn does that bitch have a flat ass.


Dem liddle panties at the end.

I’ve literally jerked off a screenshot of that. Something her being all sweaty, and the panties looking like something a real woman would wear...hot as fuck to me

Sib - love a good pussy.... cat story.

They didn't even shave back then.

Had hairy assholes like Demi Moore too.

I liked the Goodfellas/Melfi stuffed panty scene

I remember jerking it to her all possessed in Ghostbusters when I was like 10.

Hot and sexy don't need to be mutually exclusive. I don't think Sigourney is hot at all. Sexy? You bet!

Jiffy-Pop popcorn panties, as Anthony would say.

Trivia: she was supposed to do that whole ending fully nude but it didn't happen. This isn't new trivia either. Bet this culture would have reacted well to the request, regardless of how insistent they were or weren't.

While undeniably classic, Aliens is still far superior. Arguably the greatest and most watchable movie ever made. It’s got everything: horror, sci-fi, action, drama, comedy. After the first two, the franchise really falls off a cliff. Part 3 is a mess, but still worthwhile for the early traces of the Fincher DNA. The stories of production hell from part 3 are more compelling than the final product. Resurrection, Covenant, and AVP: Requiem are terrible. Prometheus is decent, and the first AVP has underrated guilty pleasure appeal. Now that the franchise is under the Disney umbrella, they’ll probably figure out a watered-down way to make it profitable again while never getting in the vicinity of 1-2’s greatness.

Aliens is mainstream trash compared to the masterpiece that is Alien.

Aliens is still far superior

Objectively garbage opinion

1000% correct.

I can't even imagine the idiocy you'd have to have to pick Alien over Aliens. One was a horror movie with a scream queen stereotype. THE FUCKING TAGLINE INCLUDED THE WORD SCREAM.

It sucked. It wasn't cerebral at all, not even a little. Oh a scary robot who gives a fuck. The alien looked like utter absolute dick cheese.

The only people who see the (superior) sequel as an action movie are too stupid to know that it took over 70 minutes before any action actually started. They were some of the greatest 70 minutes of all time, and every thing that came after were also the greatest minutes of all time.

This is like the gayfuck Metallica debate. "sellout maaaaaaaahhhn". Only it's wildly inaccurate and doesn't correlate whatsoever.

That fuckin movie sucked a dick. If you like it it's because of you suckin so many dicks.

YES YES YES. Fuck I hate when people underrate that movie. It's so fucking tense.

Dude I completely agree. Aliens is extraordinary. I love every second of that film.

My favorite thing about Alien is that Sigourney is like third billed in the cast and she’s the one who makes it through the whole movie. Dallasnis oiek the second guy killed (he’s the lead). It really is a masterpiece.

I wish Ridley Scott wasn’t so up his ass today

Ridley has definitely become an impersonal tactician, but to keep up his pace and efficiency at age 80 is pretty remarkable. What he pulled off on All the Money in the World was pure baller. In a couple of weeks, he fundamentally altered a completely finished work, and made the end result look totally seamless. The Getty character in that movie wasn’t some glorified walk-on. He was intertwined in every story thread from start to finish. Masterminding the logistics of that in so short a span is insane. If anything, his feat took the hot air out of the mystique of the filmmaking process. Maybe you’re overthinking it if you’re a tortured artist who attests that it requires years of painstaking preparation and meticulous execution.

I’ve never seen such an amazing effort be put into such an average movie as he did with that movie

It was hard to concentrate on the story if you were analyzing exactly how all the new material was being incorporated. If someone awoke from a two-year coma on opening day and saw it, they would’ve had no idea. Wahlberg just had the least showy main role of the three. He was kind of serving the same “anchor” purpose he did in The Fighter, when Bale and Melissa Leo ran wild. I know he’s easy to trash, but I think it too often gets overlooked that he was the best of the bunch in huge ensemble casts like Boogie, Huckabee’s and Departed. And I think he’s worthy of credit for functioning in a wide variety of genres.

I disagree about The Departed. What was so good about him in that role? He wasn’t bad but I never understood all the aclaI’m he got for it over everyone else. There wa no depth to that role. He was just there to be the angry Boston guy

The Departed was a cruel ripoff based on a Korean screenplay adapted to kind of, sort of, look like some fantasy artistic adaptation of the real-life Whitey Bulger story.

Leonardo DiCaprio, known as "Lenny" and "Leonard" to everyone except regular people, can't act worth a damn. His recent Oscar is, effectively, just a worthless "honorary Oscar" since he shown that he possesses no good acting talent worth anyone's consideration, but he's been in so many movies trying to do complex characters that the Academy chose to throw him a "sympathy fuck" Oscar for trying and for making so much money.

I'm so confused right now. Thanks for that video clip, anyway.

Kevin Bacon?

I think he's confusing Black Mass with The Departed. Black Mass had Kevin Bacon.

Indeed I did.

I think he's also in that Patriots Day flick. I guess homeboy likes to rep Boston.

The Departed is one of the most overrated films of all time. Every performance was shit, and the ending sucked fat fucking peen. The praise that film gets is baffling

I disagree about The Departed. What was so good about him in that role? He wasn’t bad but I never understood all the aclaI’m he got for it over everyone else. There wa no depth to that role. He was just there to be the angry Boston guy

Box office, they tell the director: you want funding we need to Mark in the movie saying his lines angerly with anger on his face.

Your choice of words is rather faggish.

It's so weird watching it in Woke 2018. No shoehorned "I'M A BRAVE POWERFUL WOMAN NO MAN COULD POSSIBLY DO THIS" shit. No social justice bullshit, just a bunch of people staring death in the face. Christ I miss movies like this. It's going to be a tragedy when some faggot like Jordan Peele remakes it and critics trip over themselves to call it genius.

Nortons in alien 3.

"This thing is really Pissed Off!"

How could you tell who was who?

Hey Newt I heard your parents died. How did that happen?

"This thing is really Pissed Off!"

How could you tell who was who?