Why are there Mexicans at the Winter Olympics?

4  2018-02-17 by the_opester

Do they even have winter there?


I’m pretty sure the higher elevations have snow just like Texas & California considering it’s basically the same geography. Why are you asking this question to a subreddit of a defunct radio show? I imagine a simple google search would answer your question.

Oh literal u/Sicboy69

‘Literal Sicboy’ was literally my nickname back in preschool.

To clean up and maybe do a little landscaping.

They use the the backpack leaf blowers to clean snow off sidewalks in the Northeast. Looks easier than shoveling. Are Mexicans born with those blowers attached their backs?

You need someone to clean up those olympic village tents

Pensamos que se suponía que éramos el personal de limpieza. No estamos preparados para competir. Ay carumba

Because by immigration and exponentially reproducing they have filled up the southern United States to the point it's getting just as shitty as Mexico. So they are finding other 1st world countries to ruin. THATS WHY.

Why the fuck is Australia there? Why do you care? Why does Anthony suck tranny cock? We've all got questions.

They build all ski jumps