When you genuinely ask ant if he fucked the Tranny lol

115  2018-02-16 by babyblud015


😆 See this emoji? That proves I’m not seething with rage at being outed as a tranny loving faggot.

emojis are for faggots and preteen girls.

It's also for talking to women because they don't understand tone in text

So is his hard drive.

Preteen girls watch CP?

If they ever want to see their parents again, yes.

I like emojis & I’m a 100% italian.... I don’t know if we can hang out anymore.

It's too much effort.

Hey 🐜, I heard you rode the 🥒 of a 💪tranny until it 💦

He's incapable of love, he's just a tranny fucker.

I'm suspect Ant uses that emoji when he texts Joe to pick up egg rolls on the way back from the dry cleaners.

Again he brings up the followers, does he not know that people are trolling him and using alt accounts? Fucking dumb ginea.

It's Guinea, stupid.

"How's the slurs in this Italian restaurant?"

Good one.

"I'm going to insult u/RapistWith HIV in Italian..."

Best in the city.

"I'll have it."

That too.

Yeah lol the 60 yo man is bragging about followers

It's all he has left 😆.

Obscurity? Ant has a network that is failing and is only known to those in the o&a fanbase because dummy has his network behind a paywall and offers nothing to outsiders.

If he hadn't mentioned the number of followers I would have thought he'd gone senile and was talking about himself.

I mean thats kinda of his gig...

He has less than 40k followers. There’s local sports team trolls that have more than that

I could picture the tears coming out of his eyes and rolling into his pores as he typed that.

I've never fucked a tranny and never even looked at tranny porn. Maybe some guys are into that, fine, I don't get it.

If I was a minor league famous guy, like Ant, and someone tweeted me that I fucked a tranny and I hadn't. I'd laugh it off. Probably wouldn't even respond.

If I had sucked on a gender-confused gay boy's prick, would probably reply with similar tactics. Hard to say though, I'm not gay like Anthony is.

I just got in from chilling with this fat girl I started boning, her hot friend, and my hyper macho cousin. My phone started dying on account that I didn't charge it yesterday, and I asked my cousin to borrow his phone to call a buddy of mine. When he let me use it, he had his google chrome open, and I saw he had lady boy images on it. He saw that I saw what he was looking at. I could see his eyes welling up with shame, but didn't say anything, nor do I think I will. I actually feel bad for him, but I couldn't care less.

What a longwinded and boring story

that had about a .1% chance of happening.

You should fuck your cousin in the ass


Why is it the goal or measure of success for someone not in entertainment to have a ton of follows on social media?

Because with no followers consequences will never be the same.

Why even bother with the copy-paste response anymore

Yeah... He fucked him.

I assume by "He", you mean Sue. And by "him", you mean Anthony.

Good. Got it.

The proper pronoun is SHIM you bigot.

well he never denies it, ill give him points for that

We all boil down to how many twitter followers we have.

You don't have followers on a throwaway account not looking for followers? 😆😆😆😆😆😆

Really tearing up the world huh? Because that is your goal here, "tearing up the world", not baiting a reaction out of me and doing exactly what you set out to do.

You're inconsequential, guy I will send a similar message to at least another dozen times. You have no consequence. Proof of your lack of consequence is here -------->😆. See? Emojis. HA-HA-HO-LEE SHIT!

I dont know why I care, but do you recall the exact question?

I tweeted ojs lawyer telling him to ask ant about the tranny so he would finally have to address it lol I just started using Reddit the other day so I’m finally learning about all this weird shit

Nice shirt, stupid.

We get a little unleashed around here.

Way to abuse the new kid, stupid.

Way to steal my joke, stupid.

Everything goes around here. Just don't ever talk bad about Vizio™ or their products. We're all big fans,most have tattoos with the CEO(Willie Wang©) . Some viziophiles® have ever resorted to desperate actions so they can get their fix, like going in a Walmart and using their infant son as a shield so they can steal a DELUXE Vizio™ soundbar without the security following them.

We really should get an account with tons of followers to ask him the same.

Maybe hack some bigger account.

I sincerely believe Ant is the last man alive that actually cares about twitter on such a crazy level.

Have you ever heard of this guy, Joseph Cumia?

Doesn't ring a bell. Is he a pedophile?

He is not a pedophile.

But he can enter contracts.

Thank you

The sad thing is that Ant views Twitter followers as a legitimate measure of someone's worth. Its very Opielike.

Considering they both bought alot of followers its doubly sad and pathetic.

He said the same to me a few months ago.

Everyone who has a direct message from Ant making fun of the amount of followers they have upvote here.

Inconsequential? Dude's rocking a battery life in the 95 percentile.

He's like a caricature of himself

Tranthony would rather fuck a lady boy than a hot black woman. As degenerate as he is at least Jim would fuck both.

It's not like he has to breed/marry/date them either. I'm racist as the next loffer but come on, he can't say with a straight face he wouldn't fuck this http://www.eroprofile.com/m/videos/view/Ebony-teen-interracial-bangs-her-bf-with-big-cock

Although I agree, the flat chest does nothing for me.

Do you think ant would find this disgusting and unfuckable?


The flat chest does wonders for Ant.

Don't be crazy. I'm sure those 11 year old girls 🐜 liked on vine had massive racks.

He really is a man's man, very masculine.

You're right, maybe he's just a faggot.

i matter in life! who are you!


If I'm ever a father, I'll have to remember to teach my children the importance of twitter followers. or, as tits would put it, puttin up "numbahs"



Yeah, that's his go to line when blocking people on Twitter. He thinks he's doing gods work. Him and Joe both get off to drama. Typical wops.

I wonder what he'd say if a successful white man with more followers than him confronted him about his homosexuality.

Baaaaack to obscurrrrity with youuuu!!! ha ha ha haaa! 😂 I'm seriously crying laughing here everything is okay!

He said from the intersection of Nowheresville and Irrelevance.

That's a hard yes if I ever saw one

The same fucking response over and over, but the faggot never denies it. The only obscure thing is "compound media", the dying and totally irrelevant podcast.

Anthony, you are a cunt. Now cut another check to your fat brother.

He better get those "obscurity" jabs in while he's still barely able to

Obscurity is really underrated. Obscurity means I can beat my crackwhore girlfriend, lust for trans boys and call blacks savages and nobody would ever know about it.

Screenshot the pic and everyone tweet ant

I don’t know if he fucked it, but I’d bet that he had it fuck him.

he's so insecure. what's the point in responding to nobodies with nothing better to do

Death by a thousand needles.

I mean, is he wrong? You’re here so chances are you probably suck

That's not the point, sir.

What started all the hate on Anthony anyways? It seems like the sub just turned on him one day.

It's only because he reacts and hilariously at that.

LOL oh ok.


I hope this is true cuz if not car crash noise done by opie you’re not funny and nobody cares


He's describing his brother in this tweet.

Sue and her awful little cock would be the classiest woman in Ants life so far.

That s exactly what he said to me. 8 followers and all. Brother Joe follows me haha

He seriously cannot grasp the concept that people are using alt accounts to mess with him.

Why does the amount of followers have anything to do with anything? Even with 8 followers, ant still personally responded to this "inconsequential" person. Ant really is fucking stupid

That type of response lets you know that Anthony really is a petty, angry person. Fine. I get that. What I don't get is the actual content of the response. He seems to be operating on the premise that we're all jealous of him.

Anthony- this may blow your mind, but I don't want to be a 56-year old who still plays video games (on a really really big moniter, oooh neat) and dates women who look like 12-year olds when he's not stalking actual 12-year olds, and has podcast that exploits a suffering junkie instead of demanding he get help. I'm fine with obscurity. Thanks.

The 12 year old part is creepy, but I'll play video games when I'm in my 50's. I have 0 followers.

I'm glad having a lot of followers on Twitter means you've become something in life and are important

As if Ant is somebody anymore. he needs to fuck off with that. He's no more relevant in Pop culture than any other "average Joe", and all those big celebrities he used to mingle with via SXM wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire.

I don't think he realizes that he was famous a time just before e-celebs became a thing and when he lost his gig he was dropped back down to the 2nd rung on the ladder.

every time with the obscurity, he must really miss the fame terribly.

I know somebody who did a lot with just 12 devoted followers, Anthony.

A lot.

Got drumpf elected?

I was thinking of Charles Manson, actually.

Who the Christ did you think I meant?

I thought you meant jesus tbh

that's the bit

He bases someone’s worth on twitter followers. This is what 13 year old girls do.

captain and coke tonight blocked guy

He always hits the Twitter followers despite having to have seen the many posts of his DMs here. Then he always ends it with the same obscurity line. Besides this den of jackals nobody even knows who he is.

How does twitter followers correlate with relevance?

You should ask him this; do you enjoy your obscurity broadcasting from your basement to a fraction of the audience you had a decade ago?

He really made it his catchphrase now.Yuckarrrrreeno.


Cumiabot sent you a dm

I bet she blew him a few times and he still grapples with denial to this day about harboring queer tendencies. It may have escalated to bodily penetration if the trail hadn’t been uncovered. I guess the mystery will just have to be accepted. Definitely the funniest recurring joke pertaining to anything from the show, that much is certain.

I'm sure you were being totally genuine. Not trying to be annoying at all, right?

Shut up science bitch


As dumb and pathetic as Joe is, his eyes aren't nearly as Piss-filled as Ant's.

I guess brothers divvy up bad traits.

The worst part of this thread is the fact that Anthony Cumia was my fucking hero, I loves him loke he was my family (which he could be my grandpa”) lol

The saiyan z fag on YouTube covered my post lol I want recognition

I just got in from chilling with this fat girl I started boning, her hot friend, and my hyper macho cousin. My phone started dying on account that I didn't charge it yesterday, and I asked my cousin to borrow his phone to call a buddy of mine. When he let me use it, he had his google chrome open, and I saw he had lady boy images on it. He saw that I saw what he was looking at. I could see his eyes welling up with shame, but didn't say anything, nor do I think I will. I actually feel bad for him, but I couldn't care less.