Do you guys remember when people used to defend Sam?

69  2018-02-16 by -2017

'Paid his dues!' they said

'Only one doing any work over there!' they scoffed

'earned everything he had!' yuck

'He's funnier than Opie' unforgivable

You should all be executed by firing squad


that was before he became Opie Roberts and took his mentor's job.

He’s always been a terrible host

He wasn't supposed to be a host. No one defended the Shit Show.

Look around, I’ve seen plenty of faggots here praising the shit show and his night show

I liked the shit show better than the regular show toward the end

He had his own terrible show for years before he took over for Opie. You people are like those parents with a kid addicted to smack that ignored all the warning signs.

I liked his night show. But that's where he belongs; on at midnight.

The night show was a fucking abomination. While I listen at work on my free 30 day trial, I never went out of my way to listen on demand - I'd catch it in the car.

I gave it several tries for several minutes, but he's so devoid of talent, charm, interest, personality, substance, perspective, insight, or humor that the show was simply him interviewing retarded women/wrestlers/porn stars, throwing to his idiotic ballwasher SNOWAAY callers, and 90s and 00s comedy movie quotes. That'

You think Opie is funnier than Sam? You think Opie is funny at all?

I'll go ahead and say Jim and sam is worse than Opie and Jim

He stomped on that fella's cake, don't forget.

sam has more comedic value, i think anyone would agree to that. some of the best chip quips from back in the day were instigated by sam, among a lot of other memorable moments.

i'm not saying he's funny as in 'haha make me laugh' but he is absolutely more worthwhile than opie in any aspect.

Jim is godawful running a show, and Sam is godawful at making people laugh. I don't know who decided the roles should be reversed. They were never great, but the show got wayyyy worse when Jim took the captain's chair.

Jim decided.

Never forget. Jim did this...

Yeah that really is the problem. The test shows and the first few months were great.

your positivity in here stinks kiddo

He is funnier than Opie though. Then again so is a school bus fire.

Who doesn't love a good school bus fire?

That's like saying a homicide is better than a double homicide. They're still awful, just slightly less awful.

Everybody liked Pete Davidson, too.

And that Anthony schlub

Starting to think we are a bunch of...

Anthony was funny at one point, though. Sam never brought anything to the table. I have no opinion on Pete because I wasn't stupid enough to actually listen to an episode of Oqie Raqio and hera his dumb little play fighting with the Stangles.

Pete has a tattoo of Hillary Clinton and thinks Kid Cudi single handedly saved a generation of kids from commuting suicide with his music.

I'll admit at the time i was all about it but looking back that whole "stangel destruction" was half Pete with one alright joke being repeated and half him stuttering to try and find a line that never came. We all got amped up because it was the only thing ever on OqieRadio to resemble something of interest.

You don’t find calling people jag-offs hilarious?

If someone called you one I'd probably laugh.

Some things may change, but I will always hate Opie.

You used to talk about bein a tranny

Me? No, I'm not a faggot. I talked about fucking a tranny.

The Stangel incident gained him a lot of good will

The Hillary tattoo tainted everything else tho

I just imagined a tattoo of Hillary's taint, which led to the visualization of said taint. Fuck you, sir.

I think this happened before my time. Is there a link or a thread I could look at to catch up on this?

"It's called four holes....get it?"


"Four holeees...."

I think I’d rather stay in the dark on this one... it’s too much to try and tolerate.

Pete had a fast rise and like his father and the WTC an even quicker demise.

I made a thread here just 1 year ago pointing out how horrible Cromagnon Roberts is. It got promptly downvoted and Mr. Roberts was defended. Just goes to show you how most people are sheep even when the truth is right in front of them.

What are you talking about?

Four people commented about Sam.

Top comment is "Sam is not good but he's not as bad as Opie"

Second comment is /u/NotRye (deleted account) and /u/copomash (still active) washing balls

and /u/oceanic231 speaking truth.

I blame stinks

I was there for you, brothaman

"He's got great chemistry with jim!"

I never was on the sam train. Can't believe I'd rather listen to opie and him.

I remember being downvoted to oblivion when I said he was annoying and not entertaining at all.

You fags.

"Downvoted to oblivion" probably meant there was a 0 next to your post, fag

They were very negative numbers, sir.

Especially during the honeymoon after the O&J break up.

True, I was high on Sam then as well. But only for replacing Opie, I had long stopped listening and never planned on listening again, losing Opie was all I hoped to see, and Sam was a part of that so no matter how bad and unfunny, he did do a service that was worth commending

I was downvotes and attacked in the comments when I said that the Jim & Sam show was shit. The show was about a month and half old at the time & a lot of people were still in denial about how lame the show was.

Same here, both Jim, Sam and some people here thought that by removing a giant asshole like Opie, the show would be automatically better.

They forgot the part where they still had to deliver a good show, which by now it obvious they don't have the talent.

When O and A were still on the air, my west coast commute coincided exactly with Sam's "pre show"


I actually don't think he's that bad. I don't think he's that good either. I don't think in general.

Alright middle of the road jim

I think you've got me mistaken for sombody else friend. My name's not Jim at all!

Sam is the millennial Opie 2.0 He's acting like he's independent but is far left. We know he didn't vote for Trump, that's why its a "secret" I can't listen to a show with Sam alone anymore.

I pray that Anthony and Jim will some day do a show together, like soon! I at least rather listen to Jim and Nick DiPaolo, that would be amazing.

To be fair the aftershow was never as bad as J&S is now.

Neither was the night show.

Yes it was. Who kid grunting and Nicole just oh em geeing everything was bland and tedious

Unpopular opinion, but I think he's better than Jimmy now. He at least has integrity and did actually worked hard towards his ambition of having a morning show; Jimmy just hitched his wagon to not one but three morning shows to cling onto his mediocre lifestyle as an average comic. Jimmy would have done a morning show with Troy if it meant he could continue to speak to pornstars and 80's musicians.


Sam was ok as a shit stirrer but having him on mic is infuriating

My dog is funnier than Opie.

your dog under a tire is funnier than opie

"Yuck" "unforgivable"

Using an adjective to describe how you feel about every quote is douchey

I don't mind sam. He is an obnoxious faggot sometimes but he's way better than opie.

All I ever said was he sure does have a lot of shows, I never implied any of them were worth anyone's time or that he possessed any talent whatsoever.

I actually do not remember this.

Was Sam ever seen as a good broadcaster? The Sam and Dave show was always terrible, his nighttime show was like audio Ambien. Where was this big groundswell of Sam support?

I think everyone just hated Opie, and since Sam was the replacement they relaxed a little. But Sam is just as terrible.

People used to defend Danny. I always hated that fuck.

Special delivery was pretty good

He's also funnier than Opie you lunatic. Don't try and start that bullshit

Proud to say I hated Sam from day one, and Opie. My one achievement in life apart from not dying.

I remember.

Howard has the best rap for sissies like Sam.

Go out in a small market on terrestrial radio and see how you do. That's how you prove yourself. I know it's defintietly a shrinking industry, but he's right. Sam could never build a market on his own. His success is based entirely on Opie & Anthony's success as is Jim's. Jim has never had anything successful without O&A. His specials get panned and no one cares. He's a mediocre road hack with built in promotion because of them.

Neither of them have the talent it takes to get to the spot they're in and it's only a matter of time before they're on afternoons and then ancient history.

He did build an audience at night on Sirius but yeah that’s not quite the same

of who?

Sam was always funny as a device to move the show forward. The "comedy" he provided was setting up an Anthony or Jimmy reaction, prepping the boys for Jocktober, etc.

He himself is not funny in any way.

Sam is funnier than Opie... but so are 96% of living Americans.

and 100% of dead ones

I was never one of those faggots. It was obvious to anyone with a brain that Sam was just the little bully's assistant, lapping Opie's nuts for protection. He never had any balls or any particular wit. He always tried to punch down and cowered behind Opie Sr. Fuck Sam.

People here still do.

some still deny that Jim and Ant resent him beneath the surface in an identical manner as they did with Opie

He’s better than Opie. He has paid his dues. That said, the show isn’t quite where I was hoping

Sam's mom got hot cookies.

And that Anthony schlub

Starting to think we are a bunch of...

True, I was high on Sam then as well. But only for replacing Opie, I had long stopped listening and never planned on listening again, losing Opie was all I hoped to see, and Sam was a part of that so no matter how bad and unfunny, he did do a service that was worth commending

Neither was the night show.

The Stangel incident gained him a lot of good will

The Hillary tattoo tainted everything else tho

Yes it was. Who kid grunting and Nicole just oh em geeing everything was bland and tedious

You used to talk about bein a tranny

Pete has a tattoo of Hillary Clinton and thinks Kid Cudi single handedly saved a generation of kids from commuting suicide with his music.

I'll admit at the time i was all about it but looking back that whole "stangel destruction" was half Pete with one alright joke being repeated and half him stuttering to try and find a line that never came. We all got amped up because it was the only thing ever on OqieRadio to resemble something of interest.