How to make your own Sam Roberts.

18  2018-02-16 by fingerrockets


This doesn't look much like a caveman with a receding hairline 3/10

I think you missed the part that this is a GIF and it totally ends up looking like a caveman with a receding hairline.

You are correct, sir. Apologies. I respect your moving pictures and implicit reference to a now deceased character actor.

Thanks, sport. Have a signed photo and remember to respect your mom and pop and stay in school!

This is what happens when a spaghetti nigger fucks a bagel

I want my signed photo back RIGHT FUCKING NOW

FIRST STEP: Shit on the floor

SECOND STEP: Be the shit on the floor

*Second step on shit on the floor

I think that's more accurate

Aww. I like when someone posts something tender and sweet. Keep it up feller, you warm my heart and balls